Quantiq: Turn any camera or phone into a medical scanner @ CES 2022

Quantiq medical scannerOver the past few years, the importance of telemedicine has grown significantly. What was once considered forbidden is now commonplace. We can talk to a doctor remotely, send vital statistics from home, and even have a full checkup all remotely. Our phones have become an integral part of our health regiment, and with Quantiq, it’s going to become an even more valuable tool for patients and doctors alike.

What is Quantiq?

Quantiq turns any camera or phone into a medical scanner. This software solution extends any camera, webcam, or smartphone to make it a medical device for remote patient monitoring, telemetry, and remote diagnoses. The system combines medical expertise, physics, advanced image processing, and artificial intelligence to decode your health markers with just your camera. A single shot of a few seconds is enough to get pulse, respiratory rate, and more.

This impressive breakthrough means that a patient doesn’t need to purchase a whole collection of devices to monitor their health. Rather than requiring a pulse oximeter, blood pressure cuff, thermometer, and more, it can all be done with the camera you already carry in your pocket. You simply take a short video of a few seconds and

Who is Quantiq for?

Quantiq is perfect for any doctor who needs to monitor a patient remotely. Rather than lending or leasing expensive, complicated, and damageable equipment to a patient, you can simply ask them to use their own phone or computer. This makes it easier for them and less expensive for the doctor. Plus, it means they don’t have to learn a new piece of equipment.

It would also be great to offer to patients of in-home health services. For example, after a heart attack, a family member will likely have a home health aide visit regularly. They’ll take vital signs and log them into a system. If you’re lucky, they might even give you equipment to take measurements on your own when they are away. If they, instead, used the Quantiq platform, they could eliminate the extra equipment costs by just using the phone camera or webcam the patient already has. Plus, it’s something they are already familiar with using.

You can install the system locally on-premises for just your clients, or you can use it in the cloud in a software as a service model. Either way, you get access to the full suite of capabilities, all accessible through a robust Cobox API. This gives you the ability to build the Quantiq technology into your own application suite to enhance its capabilities. Perhaps you are a consumer electronics company that offers things like scales and smart mirrors. You could add Quantiq into your system to provide additional health benefits without having to enhance your technology. The camera that is built into the mirror would likely be enough to be able to get a clear video for analysis. This would make the value proposition of your product significantly better.


Quantiq is the perfect tool for telemedicine, remote patient monitoring, and health care products. To learn more about Quantiq and how you might use it, check out their website.

Interview by Marlo Anderson of The Tech Ranch.

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CleanBox: The next innovation for clean shared devices @ CES 2022

CleanBox electronic sanitizationThe past 2 years have completely changed the way we look at public accommodations. In 2019, no one would have thought twice about touching a kiosk that someone had just used. But today, many people look at common surfaces and devices as if they are plague rats. Whether this approach to public spaces is itself healthy or not, it is not going away anytime soon. To help alleviate fears of public or common items, CleanBox has developed a quick and easy way to clean these items.

What is CleanBox?

Technology has the power to change everything. CleanBox is a company that wants to help people keep their devices clean and germ-free so they can safely use them with others. CleanBox uses UV-C light, which is an advanced form of lighting that eliminates all germs on surfaces and in the shadows in just 60 seconds. CleanBox is built around three core beliefs: technology has unlimited potential, we’re all connected through our devices, and it’s time for shared device sanitation innovation!

Using CleanBox technology, you can kill 99.999% of all contagions on shared or personal electronics within minutes. Simply place the device into the box and the process takes care of itself. The company offers a couple of different models for different purposes, such as the CX series for head-mounted displays (HMD), CleanDefense for face masks, and OmniClean for everything else.

Who is CleanBox for?

The technology is designed for anyone who is in charge of shared electronics. A great example is the headsets and wristbands for HADO with our partners at AMRoC Fab Lab. Every time someone plays the game, someone has to wipe down the headsets and the wristbands before the next group can play. At events, even with 3 sets, this can be a challenge.

In addition, the normal process means having wipes, which require the user to be perfect. Any missed spot means that a collection of germs survives. Also, it means a never-ending supply of wipes has to be used and then disposed of. Consumables mean higher cost per game and more time required to reset. By using a CleanBox, we could cut that reset time down and guarantee that no spots have been missed – a win for everyone involved.

CleanBox is also perfect for showing off devices at a trade show. Imagine a company demoing an audio-based technology or even a videogame that requires headphones. After each person wears the headphones, they’ll need to be cleaned before the next person uses them. This product would allow you to place the headphones in the box for a minute and get a nearly perfect pair of headphones in a minute.


CleanBox kills 99.999% of all contagions on shared devices. “No chemicals. No waste. No hassle.” It is the next step in shared device sanitation, and we can try it now. To learn more about the company, the products they offer, or to purchase one for your company, head over to the company’s website.

Interview by Todd Cochrane of Geek News Central.

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MoonBikes let you enjoy winter fun like never before @ CES 2022

MoonBikes electric snowbikesIf you live in an area with snow, you know how much fun a snowmobile can be. However, they can be really large, heavy, and cumbersome. This is where MoonBikes comes in. These devices are small, lightweight, and easy to maneuver. Nearly anyone can easily control one of these devices, making it easy for more people to enjoy the snow together.

What is a MoonBike?

MoonBikes give you the freedom of an e-bike with the power of a motorcycle. Whether you’re rallying on trails, venturing into the backcountry, or simply cruising around town, MoonBikes make winter your playground. Like a bike, a MoonBike is just 70. cm wide and can pass through doorways and be transported on a hitch carrier or in the bed of a truck.

MoonBikes are a fascinating middle ground between a motorcycle and a snowmobile. It looks mostly like a motorcycle, except the wheels have been replaced. The front wheel is replaced by a short ski, while the back wheel is replaced by a large tread. Even with the altered design, it is still capable of doing most things a motorcycle can do.

Because of this design, the controls are also changed from that of a snowmobile to something similar to a motorcycle. To change directions on a snowmobile, you turn a movable handle and the front of the machine changes direction with the back coming along behind. In this case, you lean to the left or right in order to change direction.

MoonBike specs

A MoonBike weighs just 87 kg with a single battery, and 100 kg with a second battery. With a single battery, you will get about 1.5 hours of run time. You can also add an optional dual battery to double the range with up to roughly 3 hours of ride time. All of this is possible while managing to attain 42 km per hour (about 26 miles per hour). In addition, all of this makes it so that the center of gravity is low, making it easy to ride for everyone.

Even with all of this power, a MoonBike still comes in at just $8,500. That is comparable to a traditional snowmobile, or in many cases far less. And, when you consider that it can run for hours and is more maneuverable, it makes for a great option for most people.

They aren’t just great for individuals, they are great for rental agencies, as well. Because of the ease of riding, the long battery life options, and the ability to charge outside of the device, rental shops, hotels and lodges, and even ski lift companies can easily and safely add them to their offerings.


Most importantly, MoonBikes are just plain fun! They’re fast, agile, and easy to handle so you can really let loose and enjoy the ride. Whether you’re an experienced cyclist or a beginner, MoonBikes make winter biking easy and enjoyable. So what are you waiting for? Get out there and have some fun on a MoonBike! To learn more or reserve one for yourself, check out the company’s website.

Interview by Todd Cochrane of Geek News Central and Christopher Jordan of The Talking Sound.

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Jooki keeps kids engaged without screens using NFC ToyTouch @ CES 2022

Jooki smart speakerKids love video games, there’s no doubt about that. However, a number of studies have shown that constant screen time can lead to developmental issues. It can cause issues with blurred reality, social interactions, and more. As additional information has become available, some people have worked hard to develop products that help engage kids with traditional-style toys and games without the need for screens. One such product is Jooki, a combination of toy and music without the screen.

What is Jooki?

Jooki combines toys and characters with music – all things that kids love. Kids can use the characters to choose music and stories from the Jooki player. Simply place the right character on the platform and the corresponding music or story will play. Each token and figurine has a square base so that kids can only place them on the speaker the correct way. This helps kids with matching while also incorporating sounds.

Parents have the ability to choose what is available to their kids. They can record audio, including stories, from themselves and their family to be played on the device. They can also choose to stream music from Spotify directly to the speaker. Then, simply match the character piece with the audio that they want to be played and Jooki is ready to go.

How does it work?

This year, the company introduced the second generation of Jooki speakers. The new model has been enhanced in several ways, including adding new, brighter character figurines and tokens, and more stylish buttons. The speaker also features 5 GB of internal memory and 8 hours of battery life, meaning that it can be used on the go without internet access for a long time. For when you want to give your kids the ability to stream content, the speaker also features Wi-Fi and Bluetooth radios.

The speaker itself features a 360-degree speaker design, so multiple kids and other family members can sit together around the speaker to listen. This gives the ability for a parent or grandparent to sit with the child while a story is being read and follow along. You can even use it to monitor your child’s sleep and nap times!

NFC technology and Muuselabs electronics keep kids away from screens with Jooki. Each character figurine and token has a unique identifier which, when in contact with the Jooki speaker, tells that device what audio to play. Some can be played without the need for internet access, like local stories. Others will require internet access, like music and podcasts from Spotify.


The Jooki generation 2 is available now in various kits. Prices start at $112.99 for a player with 2 standard tokens. The largest kit costs $179.99 for a player with 8 standard tokens and 5 figurines. There are currently 2 other sets available, as well. You can also purchase additional tokens and figurines. 6 tokens cost $24.99 and 5 figurines cost $34.99. To learn more about the product or to purchase one for your family, head to the company’s website.

Interview by Todd Cochrane of Geek News Central and Christopher Jordan of The Talking Sound.

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Morphée: a brand that designed a better night’s sleep @ CES 2022

Morphée sleep aidesMany people struggle with getting good sleep. Whether it’s stress or noise, guests or lights, lots of things can affect your patterns. A lot of research has been done on how to improve sleep, but it is usually confined to sleep clinics. The problem is that you don’t live at a sleep clinic – you live at home. Morphée brings the results of sleep research into your home to improve your sleep quality.


Morphée is a brand that was created with the intention of designing better nights. The company’s story started in 2016 when flatmates Charlie and Guillaume decided to combine their talents. Charlie is a born entrepreneur and Guillaume is a marketer with a creative spirit. They set about to help improve the quality of sleep for people around the world.

The parent company, Audiozen, has done extensive research into sleep and design to create products that promote sleep and relaxation. They have partnered with designers, doctors, sophrologists (sophrology), and sleep centers to develop their nighttime lineup for adults as well as children.

In 2020, Morphée welcomed My Little Morphée which introduces meditation to children. They also partnered with new collaborators and expanded abroad in 2020. Foreign distributors have joined the team, and the brand is continuing to grow. They offer their products in new countries through partners and dedicated online shops.

The solutions

The company offers a couple of different Zen products. The original Morphée device is designed for adults and brings a sense of elegance to its design. The new My Little Morphée is designed for children and has a fun and whimsical design instead.

One of the common traits between the products is the lack of a screen. Everything is controlled mechanically so that there is nothing obvious and visual to distract your attention. It also means that, without digital components, there are no additional electromagnetic waves in the room and near your head. Everything is controlled by keys on the surface of the device.

Both products also focus on personal meditation. The goal is for the user to be able to enjoy “quiet breaks” away from external stimuli. This quiet time helps put the user into a state of calm, allowing for easier and more restful sleep. It also sets the user’s emotional state into a place of personal confidence and encourages emotional versatility.

The products

The prime device, the Morphée, is a puck with three key-like dials. The first key chooses a theme between 8 choices. The second key chooses your session, with each theme having 8 unique sessions. The third key allows you to determine the length of your session, either 8 or 20 minutes. Altogether there are 210 possibilities.

The kids’ device, My Little Morphée, works similar to its more advanced sibling. There are 2 keys and an hourglass in this case, however. The first key once again sets the theme, while the second key sets the universe in which they want to travel. They can choose desert, forest, island, and more. The hourglass on the side is used to determine the length of the session. Altogether there are 192 possibilities on this device.


Everyone can do with a better night’s sleep, and Morphée is here to help. Both products are available now for $99.99. To learn more about the product or to purchase one for yourself, you can head to the company’s website or Amazon.

Interview by Todd Cochrane of Geek News Central and Christopher Jordan of The Talking Sound.

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TXTOmedia: Create effective, scalable online video content @ CES 2022

TXTOmedia AI-powered video contentIn today’s global world, it is necessary to produce and distribute customer-facing documentation in different languages and versions. TXTOmedia offers a future-proof solution that unlocks endless possibilities for your content, way beyond the limitations of paper. The company can automatically convert any text into compelling video content with just one click – and you don’t need to be a technical expert. We got the details at CES 2022.

How it works

TXTOmedia is the perfect solution for businesses that want to create effective, scalable online video content without any of the hassle. Rather than going through and having to write scripts, hire editors, enlist voice actors, and all of the other work that goes into creating a how-to video, you can just use the information you already have.

The platform uses your existing documents, including internal development documents and written guides and manuals, and applies an AI algorithm to produce content. The platform is specifically tuned to create explainer videos for existing and potential customers. TXTOmedia takes care of all the hard work so you can focus on what really counts: making an impactful difference in your customers’ lives!

With TXTOmedia, you can easily produce videos in multiple languages. Using the content that’s already been produced, the platform converts to other languages and exports a new copy of the videos, expanding the range of your marketing and support nearly instantly.

Who it’s for

Creating a new product is hard. Creating a new company is harder. For those who are trying, TXTOmedia is a great partner. A small company likely can’t afford a dedicated support team. A large company often has too much information to narrow down the content. This platform can assist in both situations.

For small companies, you can augment your support team with video. When most of us need help, we search online. Written content is good for some, but videos are better for most. The user can see exactly what they need to do to use your product or fix a problem. But it’s expensive to hire the right team, mine through support documents, and produce videos. TXTOmedia eliminates that so you can focus on what you do best.

For large companies, there is a ton of data. Your existing support team is managing tickets from customers. Your designers and engineers and building the product. Your QA is looking for common mistakes. These teams infrequently work together, so data sharing is a problem. TXTOmedia does the data sharing for you to determine what content is needed. Even better, it produces the content for you, freeing up your teams to focus on their daily jobs. This enhances your customer’s experience, whether they are calling, chatting, or looking for video help.


TXTOmedia offers a future-proof solution that unlocks endless possibilities for your existing content – way beyond the limitations of paper. Create how to videos in a snap, all without having to learn how to edit, or without hiring a team. To learn more, check out the company’s website.

Interview by Todd Cochrane of Geek News Central and Christopher Jordan of The Talking Sound.

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On2cook: The world’s fastest countertop cooking device @ CES 2022

On2cook world's fastest cooking deviceDo you ever wish that you could cook a delicious meal with minimal effort? Have you ever felt like cooking is an impossible task and wished there was someone who could do it for you? Well, wait no longer! On2cook is the world’s fastest at-home cooking device.

How it Works

It works on the revolutionary Combination Cooking Technology which simultaneously combines induction, heat, and microwaves to cut your cooking time by up to 70% and reduce energy consumption by up to 40%. If this idea sounds familiar, you must be a fan of 30 Rock, because it’s very similar to the Trivection Oven that was introduced by Jack Donaghy on the show. The best part of On2cook? This one’s real!

Not only does this product make it possible for anyone to be able to cook a healthy meal in just minutes but it also preserves water-soluble nutrients, retains color and texture as well as consistency.

At-Home Use

Everyone has a night where they think, “Maybe I’ll just order out because I can’t be bothered to cook.” But ordering Uber Eats or DoorDash is expensive adds up quickly. With On2cook, you get the speed of delivery with the cost and quality of home cooking.

This device, which is slightly larger than an air fryer and looks similar to a waffle maker, can serve multiple purposes. It can be used as a traditional oven. It can be used as a convection oven. It can be used as an air fryer. It can even be used as a microwave. It can prepare rice in just 5 minutes, or chicken in just 15 minutes. With the Ai-powered app, you can get recommendations on how to use it better.

It’s also able to go the other way and replace slow-cookers. It can be set to slow cook, replacing a crockpot or sous vide cooker.

The On2cook also improves energy efficiency. The device is able to produce faster results and still uses 40% less energy to get the job done. All without losing the nutritional value of the food.

Because everything is self-contained, it also means less mess to clean up. There’s no splashing or massive cleanup.

Commercial Use

On2cook isn’t just for the home kitchen. The device can also be deployed in commercial kitchens, improving efficiency and costs. A restaurant could deploy several of these in a row and cook multiple meals at once, all improved by the built-in AI. However, if the chef wants to determine the specs on their own, that’s possible, too.

It’s also perfect for a portable kitchen, like a food truck. For a truck that takes orders and delivers the food to a location, the driver can set the cookers to prepare the food and, while it’s cooking, you can drive to the destination. For stationary food trucks, you could be preparing several meals at the same time, as opposed to a more one-on-one ordering process.

On2cook will address all gaps in the kitchen that impact work efficiencies, such as time management, recipe management, and ordering of ingredients.


The company expects the On2cook to be available on the market within the next 6 months, pending certifications. The device price is expected to be $500. Learn more about the product at the company’s website.

Interview by Todd Cochrane of Geek News Central.

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Mobix Labs: Improving 5G millimeter band technology @ CES 2022

Mobix Labs 5G millimeter band technologyMobix Labs is a fabless semiconductor company focused on developing highly innovative RF and mixed-signal components and solutions for 5G millimeter band technology. Led by a team of highly experienced and accomplished industry executives, Mobix Labs is establishing itself as the go-to leader of RF, mixed-signal, antenna components, and solutions for the sub-GHz 5GNR market and beyond.

What does Mobix Labs do?

Their comprehensive product offerings include mmWave 5G ICs, modules, and antennas. They are designed to make it easier for Original Equipment Manufacturers (OEMs) to develop products with best-in-class performance. With over two decades of experience in the wireless industry, Mobix Labs has the knowledge and expertise to help OEMs bring their next-generation products to market quickly and efficiently.

5G millimeter band technology is the next big thing in wireless communications. Mobix Labs is leading the charge in developing innovative products and solutions for this growing market. Their comprehensive product offerings include mmWave 5G ICs, modules, and antennas that are designed to make it easier for OEMs to develop products with best-in-class performance.

The True 5G Solutions from Mobix Labs are essential to unlocking the unprecedented levels of performance and speed promised by 5G. With its advanced research and development capabilities, Mobix Labs is well-positioned to provide leadership in this important technological area.

Where can the technology be used?

Currently, the company is focused on the infrastructure market. That means that the chips are intended to be used in the technology that makes it possible for you to get 5G signals. This includes the cellular towers installed by the carriers, repeaters installed by carriers, and small repeaters installed by businesses and individuals.

This focus means that you could be interacting with the company’s technology every day without even knowing it. This is because these chips and radios are responsible for the high-end 5G signal strength available on your phone. Their chips could be at the tops of tall cellular towers, but it could also be built into smaller form devices, like the cellular repeaters that many cities are having installed on the tops of telephone poles around town to enhance cellular reception.

The need for this much infrastructure is because of the nature of the frequencies used for mmWave 5G. The higher frequency used makes it possible for incredibly fast internet speeds, but is more susceptible to interference from everyday items, like walls. Our tests show about 8x speed in our offices over standard 5G on the same device. But these increased speeds are limited to Mission Control and are not available in the studio – likely because of the thicker walls, additional lights, and equipment.

However, this focus on infrastructure does not negate the technology’s other uses. In fact, the company has been in discussions about other implementations, including vehicles. Cars and trucks are more regularly using 5G technology for communication, both to the internet, as well as direct communication between one another. This allows for software updates to the vehicle’s systems, as well as the ability for it to know about what other cars and trucks around it are intending to do.

To learn more about Mobix Labs and their 5G mmWave technology, visit the company’s website.

Interview by Scott Ertz of F5 Live: Refreshing Technology.

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LumiLor: A coating that gives objects the ability to glow @ CES 2022

LumiLorLumiLor is a breakthrough lighting solution that is revolutionizing the way we light our world. With its easy application and versatile design, the product makes it possible to create products that were difficult (if not impossible) to illuminate before. If you’re looking for a safe, efficient, and elegant lighting solution, look no further than LumiLor.

What makes LumiLor unique?

One of the great benefits of LumiLor is that it is a very safe lighting solution. The light emitted from the coating is gentle and does not produce any heat. This makes it perfect for use in products where safety is a concern, such as children’s toys or medical devices. With LumiLor, you can have peace of mind knowing that your product is safe and secure.

Another great benefit of LumiLor is its versatility. Because it can be applied to any surface, it opens up endless possibilities for creative lighting solutions. You can create intricate designs with luminescent borders or add subtle highlights to objects to make them stand out against a dark background. With this product, the only limit is your imagination.

Where can LumiLor be used?

This versatile product can be applied directly onto any object or surface where light is desired. It emits a very bright glow that makes it perfect for accentuating logos on retail products as well as creating glowing jewelry items like chokers and necklaces. LumiLor is also a great luminescent lighting solution for interior design and furniture.

You can even add luminescent designs to clothing, costumes, and fabric using LumiLor’s innovative pre-applied film option. This makes it possible to create luminescent apparel that will light up any party! Because of the thickness, only 100 microns, adding luminescence to clothing and accessories won’t add any bulk and nearly no additional weight.

One great example of how you can use the versatile product would be in ski goggles: attaching an adhesive layer onto your existing pair of ski goggles not only protects them from scratches but also allows you to easily attach custom graphics or logos onto them so they really stand out against other competitors on the slopes at nightfall. You could even apply the coating directly onto snowboards as long as you have a smooth, clean surface to adhere the luminescent coating onto.

But, you can add the company’s luminescent coating to other outdoor sports items, such as bikes and accessories. Rather than having to add lights to your bike and helmet to use at night, LumiLor allows you to use your items as they are intended, with just the addition of the lighting film.

There are many more luminescent lighting applications for both interior and exterior design that you can explore. If there’s an object or surface where luminescence is desired, LumiLor will work! Whether it be signage on vehicles, bar stools in your cafe/restaurant, cabinets in your kitchen & bathroom, or any other luminescent lighting application imaginable – LumiLor has a solution for every need.

For more information on this amazing product, visit the company’s website today!

Interview by Todd Cochrane of Geek News Central.

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Steve Winter discusses CES and the future of trade shows @ CES 2021

Brotman-Winter-Fried ConsultingEvery year during CES, we expose a little bit of inside baseball about how our show or the industry works. This year, we got the opportunity to speak with Steve Winter, president and founder of Brotman-Winter-Fried Consulting. Steve has been a long-time friend of the Tech Podcasts Network team, and we feature several of his clients annually. This year, Steve brought us 5 companies: Cutii, Domalys, Publidata, GoSun, and Clean Air Zone.

But, as we have worked together for years, the conversation naturally went to the future of trade shows. With CES going virtual, we experienced new problems. Depending on the length of the lockdowns, there is a possibility of a lot more like this. Different events are planning to address them in different ways. Some are looking to follow CES’s lead. Others are looking for virtual equivalents of physical shows. Both have their ups and downs, and only time will tell which works best. Fortunately for us, the way CES decided to handle virtualization worked well. However, exhibitors might have preferred a closer to traditional representation.

One thing we noticed was that there was a lot less news during CES 2021. Steve pointed out that, under a normal CES there are around 4200 exhibitors. This year, the number was just under 2000. With fewer exhibitors, you can expect less news. But, we saw more than a 50% decrease. This suggested to Todd that those who were participating were not taking it as seriously as in years past. Steve points out that, with so many unknowns, companies spent extra time preparing their presentations. Todd and Steve present an inside view of the future of conferences, with decades of experience between them.

To learn more about Steve’s work or to engage his PR services, head over to the Brotman-Winter-Fried Consulting website.

Interview by Todd Cochrane of Geek News Central.

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