Tag Archives: tech

Meg Swanson – BlueMix Overview – IBM Innovate 2014, Orlando, FL

Meg Swanson, Marketing Director with IBM’s BlueMix cloud-based development platform, talks with us before the show floor opens for the day about BlueMix as a whole. She gives a brief overview and then gives a call to action for developers who might be interested to try out the software. In this segment, Swanson says that BlueMix has been really well received by almost everyone who has tried it, with IBM’s support team rapidly making requested features and changes available to developers based on dev feedback.

Video by Nicholas DiMeo of F5 Live and PLuGHiTz Live.

Gene Kim – The Phoenix Project – IBM Innovate 2014, Orlando, FL

Gene Kim, former CTO of Tripwire, and author and researcher of “The Phoenix Project” was gracious enough to talk with us at IBM Innovate 2014, where he was a special guest and keynote speaker. Kim dives into a few different points of his reasons for being at Innovate, along with a couple of funny anecdotes and comparisons.

Kim also touches on the principles of developer operations and says that his passion is to turn horses into unicorns, something you have to listen to in order to understand what he means.

Video by Nicholas DiMeo of F5 Live and PLuGHiTz Live.

Sanjay Joshi – Cloud Development with BlueMix – IBM Innovate 2014, Orlando, FL

Nick talks with Sanjay Joshi with jStart Cloud Projects and Client Outreach – Emerging Technologies Software Group IBM. In this discussion, Joshi speaks on designing secure applications in IBM’s new platform-as-a-service, BlueMix.

Sanjay also touches upon some interesting projects he’s working on and things to watch for.

Video by Nicholas DiMeo of F5 Live and PLuGHiTz Live.

Cloud Discussion – PitStop Meetup – IBM Innovate 2014, Orlando, FL

At IBM Innovate 2014 in Orlando, FL, the PLuGHiTz Live crew sit in and record a quick panel on information regarding cloud computing and the IBM platforms.

A team of experts discuss different aspects of the cloud, including things like security and deployment. The panel was hosted by celebrity tech enthusiast Veronica Belmont.

Video by Nicholas DiMeo of F5 Live and PLuGHiTz Live.

Displair Lets You Play with Air and a Screen at the Same Time

Displair - Play with Air
Displair – Play with Air
One of the most interesting and unique technologies we saw at Eureka Park at CES came from Displair. This company is the inventor of the first interactive airborne display, by the same name, complete with multi-touch support. This is perfect for anybody doing advertising, promotional campaigns or anything else that needs the “cool” factor. The best thing about Displair is that the image stays totally penetrable for physical objects. For example, we got to see a demo of Fruit Ninja and were able to slash those fruits into oblivion by slicing through the screen. This is a really great product that you’ve just got to see to get it.


Video by Nakia Mann of F5 Live.

Jhoombox Combines Karaoke and Internet-Streaming and Makes Singing Fun for All

Jhoombox Internet Streaming Karaoke Device
Jhoombox Makes Karaoke a Blast Again
Jhoombox is the first streaming box that makes you sing. Running off of Android, think of it like a mix between a Roku and a karaoke machine, where you’re connected to the Internet and you don’t need any special cables to get the party started. Plus, just like any other TV enhancer, it’s got movies, TV shows, music, games, social apps and a web browser. We personally like the fact that you can live search thousands of available songs, record your song, publish it and then share it across almost any social network, including quick YouTube uploading. The console itself looks like a little keyboard and you get a really nice air mouse controller with it as well. Jhoombox still has some time before it hits shelves, but at that point the company looks to have millions of songs in its library to sing to.


Video by Nakia Mann of F5 Live.

R360UND Brings Science and Data to Your Action Shots

Action cameras have been one of the latest crazes at CES. From GoPro to one of our favorites, Liquid Image’s Apex HD, the cameras have gotten better, have added Wi-Fi and can really take a beating. But something is lacking from those gadgets once you capture that stunt or trick – the data. Not the video itself, but the science behind the video, like the acceleration rate or G-force the rider got from that last jump. Well, R360UND (pronounced “rebound”) looks to give you all of that with a sensor device that captures anything you’d ever want to know about that successful (or not so successful) backflip you just pulled off. It can read altitude, location, acceleration, G-force and more. You can then take that data and lay it over the video itself or, if it was a failed trick, look at the data to see where exactly the problem lied. So before you jump onto the ski lift and hit Devil’s Curve in Aspen, be sure to check out this video.


Video by Nicholas DiMeo of F5 Live.

ION has Gadgets for Many Types of People, Whether You’re Musical or Practical

ION Duo Deck Portable Turntable
ION Duo Deck Portable Turntable
ION introduced a bunch of products at the 2013 International CES. Some of the highlights include the DuoDeck, which is small and extremely portable turntable, where the vinyl record is larger than the device itself. This gadget is great for sampling, runs on batteries or USB power and needs no additional wires or drivers to work.


Something else ION debuted at CES was AirCopy, a world’s first and something that makes you wonder why it wasn’t invented sooner. It’s a wireless scanner that generates its own Wi-Fi network so users can send any image over to their tablet or computer without needing to connect to an actual Internet network, or without having to load them into a computer, then sideload them to a mobile device. Call up the app from any device, slide the document in and off you go. It simply runs off a rechargeable battery that can charge via USB and gives you about four hours of use time in about half the time to charge and it works across almost every platform, iOS, Android and Windows Phone.

Video by Nicholas DiMeo of F5 Live.

Ubisoft’s Frag Dolls Talk Gaming, Lenovo, Conventions, More at CES 2013

Ubisoft's Frag Dolls
Ubisoft’s Frag Dolls
The Frag Dolls are a team of professional female gamers recruited by Ubisoft to promote their video games and represent the presence of women in the game industry. We were able to catch up with three of the ladies, Valkryie, Pixxel and Daze, at the Lenovo and Social Media Club party, where they were in attendance to show off a new partnership between Lenovo and Ubisoft. Plus, all parties need some eye-candy, right?

We sat down and discussed a range of topics from how the girls all ended up with the Frag Dolls, best experiences at conventions and what’s in-store for the all-girl FPS team in the future. You won’t want to miss this one!


Video by Nicholas DiMeo of F5 Live.

AblePlanet Lets Users Hear Things Like Never Before

Able Planet True Fidelity PS400BG
Able Planet True Fidelity PS400BG

AblePlanet, the winner of over 30 CES Innovations Awards, has created a technology called Linx Audio, which is a technology that passively filters out undesirable noise and reduces distortion. This allows users to hear more of the sounds they want but at a much lower decibel range.


From personal amplification systems and noise cancellation headphones to gaming headsets and even extremely affordable solutions, all members of the family can benefit from AblePlanet’s patented technologies. The company even offers a new gadget not seen before in portable headphones, an in-line balance adjuster. For those who are hard of hearing in one ear more than the other, this discrete cord simply shifts the sound to center it across your ears comfortably, without amplifying one side and damaging your good ear. AblePlanet seems to have the consumer’s health in mind as their first priority.

Video by Nicholas DiMeo of F5 Live.