Tag Archives: solar

Lab to Market: Perovskia Solar’s Journey to Self-Sufficient Devices

In an age where technology pervades every aspect of our lives, the demand for innovative solutions to common problems has never been greater. One of the most persistent issues faced by consumers of electronic devices is the inconvenience of battery life. Whether it’s the constant need to charge smartphones, earbuds, or other portable gadgets, the hassle of managing battery power can be a significant source of frustration. However, recent advancements in solar technology by Perovskia Solar are paving the way for a future where devices can harness ambient light, effectively eliminating battery worries.

Solar-Powered Devices Eliminate Battery Worries

Anand Verma, CEO of the Switzerland-based company specializing in energy harvesting technology, sheds light on an innovative approach to powering everyday devices. Anand introduces a specialized solar cell designed to operate both indoors and outdoors, capable of generating energy from various light sources, including artificial lighting. This breakthrough means that devices equipped with such technology can remain powered indefinitely without the need for traditional batteries or frequent charging.

Imagine a scenario where your earbuds, instead of requiring daily charging, are powered by a solar cell integrated into their case. As you listen to music, simply placing the case on a desk or near a window allows it to soak up energy from the ambient light. This concept not only enhances convenience but also aligns with a growing awareness of sustainability and reducing electronic waste. Anand emphasizes that this technology could be seamlessly integrated into various consumer products, from earbuds to smartwatches, allowing users to enjoy the benefits of continuous power without the hassle of wires or chargers.

Expanding the Uses of Solar Power

The potential applications of solar-powered devices extend far beyond personal audio equipment. Anand envisions a future where solar cells can be embedded in a wide array of products, including wearables and IoT devices. The integration of solar technology into everyday items would not only eliminate the need for batteries and chargers but also significantly reduce the environmental impact associated with battery disposal. With millions of batteries currently powering countless devices, the shift towards energy self-sufficient products could lead to a substantial decrease in electronic waste.

One of the most compelling aspects of this solar technology is its adaptability. Anand explains that the current generated by the solar cells can be customized to meet the specific voltage requirements of various devices, ranging from one volt upwards. This flexibility opens the door to a myriad of possibilities, allowing manufacturers to integrate solar cells into their designs without compromising performance. For instance, a smartwatch could be equipped with a solar cell on its face, continuously charging as the wearer goes about their day.

Furthermore, the conversation highlights the practicality of solar-powered devices in everyday life. Anand points out that even in scenarios where devices might be exposed to limited light, such as during the night, the technology remains viable during daylight hours. For individuals who rely on devices like hearing aids, which often require daily charging, the prospect of solar integration could drastically improve user experience. By simply wearing or placing the device in a well-lit area, users could ensure that their gadgets remain charged without the burden of a power outlet.

Conclusion: Indoor Solar Technology has Countless Benefits to Everyday Life

In conclusion, the advent of indoor solar-powered devices presents a transformative solution to the perennial issue of battery management. By harnessing ambient light, these innovations not only promise to enhance user convenience but also contribute to a more sustainable future. As companies like Perovskia Solar continue to develop and integrate solar technology into everyday products, consumers can look forward to a world where battery worries are a thing of the past. This shift not only represents a technological advancement but also a significant step toward reducing our ecological footprint, ultimately fostering a more sustainable relationship with the devices we rely on.

Interview by Don Baine, The Gadget Professor.

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Perovskia Solar’s innovative tech: Harnessing indoor light @ CES 2024

Perovskia Solar indoor solar panelsPerovskia Solar AG, under the leadership of CEO Anand Verma, has revolutionized the way electronic devices are powered by introducing indoor solar cells. These solar cells can be customized to any shape, size, and design, making them versatile and adaptable to a wide range of electronic devices.

Indoor solar cells power devices

While solar cells have traditionally been designed to harness the power of sunlight outdoors, the majority of electronic devices are used indoors. This necessitated the development of solar cells capable of generating electricity from indoor light sources, a feat successfully achieved by Perovskia Solar.

The company’s solar cells can operate with any light source, including natural light, fluorescent light, and LED light. Despite sunlight being more potent than indoor light, these solar cells are designed to be highly sensitive and efficient in capturing and converting indoor light into electricity.

One of the remarkable features of these solar cells is their flexibility. They can be integrated into everyday devices such as smartwatches, keyboards, cameras, and IoT systems, allowing users to have solar-powered devices that never require charging. This is made possible through partnerships with companies like Apple and Samsung, who incorporate the solar cells into their products.

A new material for a new usage

Perovskia Solar’s solar cells are based on a new material called perovskite. This material, combined with their fully printed technology, enables the solar cells to be printed in any shape, size, and design. This not only makes them functional but also aesthetically pleasing. A testament to their innovation is the CES Innovation Award won by their customer, Baracuda Group, for a self-sustainable wristband powered by Perovskia’s solar cells.

The efficiency of perovskite solar cells is also impressive. These solar cells have the ability to absorb a significant amount of visible light, making them highly efficient at converting light into electricity. This means that even in low light conditions, such as indoors, perovskite solar cells can still generate enough power to keep devices running.

In addition to their flexibility and efficiency, perovskite solar cells also offer aesthetic appeal. The black border of the solar cell blends seamlessly into the design of devices, making it almost invisible to the user. This means that devices can be powered by solar energy without sacrificing style or functionality.

Furthermore, perovskite solar cells have the potential to power IoT sensors, which are becoming increasingly important in various industries. These sensors can be used to monitor and collect data in real-time, and the ability to power them with perovskite solar cells makes them even more versatile and efficient.

While perovskite solar cells are not yet capable of powering high voltage devices such as televisions, the technology is rapidly advancing. As researchers continue to enhance the performance and efficiency of perovskite solar cells, it is only a matter of time before they become a viable option for larger devices.

In terms of lifespan, these solar cells are designed to outlast the life of electronic devices, providing users with a long-lasting solution without the need for replacements or maintenance.

Who is Perovskia Solar panels for?

Currently, Perovskia Solar serves customers from various parts of the world, including the US, Japan, Europe, and Asia, and collaborates with global industry players. While the technology is not yet capable of providing power backup for an entire house, the company is working towards that goal.

Conclusion: Indoor solar can power your daily needs

In conclusion, Perovskia Solar’s indoor solar cells have ushered in new possibilities for powering electronic devices. They offer a sustainable and convenient alternative to traditional power sources, thanks to their ability to generate electricity from indoor light sources. The flexibility, efficiency, and aesthetic appeal of these solar cells make them a promising solution for powering consumer electronic devices and IoT sensors. As technology continues to evolve, the potential of indoor solar cells in transforming the way we power our homes and offices is indeed exciting.

Interview by Don Baine, The Gadget Professor.

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GoSun is bringing the solar revolution to your home @ CES 2021

GoSun Solar Revolution productsAt CES 2016, we met Patrick Sherwin, the founder of GoSun. The company was announcing a fascinating new solar stove that was built through inspiration from Patrick’s experience working with roofing. It uses solar directly to cook food in a tube, and can be used with 12-volt power for use at night or in bad weather. Since 2016, Patrick and GoSun have expanded their product line, staying focused on solar-powered products and the camping community.

This year, we are introduced to the current GoSun product lineup. It now includes nearly everything that regular campers could possibly want. The core of the product line is the power solutions. You can get small, portable solar panels in 10-watt and 30-watt options. You can use these solar panels to power many devices, but the most obvious is a power bank. Charging one of the GoSun banks, like the Power 144, allows you then power your devices and charge the bank at the same time.

One of the really intriguing product categories on offer was focused on water. These newer products have won a CES Innovation Award for 2021, which indicates a unique and useful product. In this case, you can get a solar-powered water purifier and pump, and a portable sink and shower that connect to the pump. The purifier is small enough to fit into a backpack, runs on solar, and can filter up to 99% of pathogens from water.

While the obvious target here is camping, it was hard for us to also focus on the usefulness in the event of natural disasters. This comes from much of the team living on the Gulf Coast and knowing what happens after a hurricane. The water filter would mean being able to trust the water we hoard in our bathtubs ahead of the storm, and possibly other water we receive after a storm.

The GoSun product line, which is wider than we have covered here, is available from the company’s website or on Amazon.

Interview by Christopher Jordan of The Talking Sound.

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Absolar finds the best locations for solar installation @ CES 2021

Absolar solar logisticsFor those of us in places like Florida, Texas, Nevada, Arizona, or Hawaii (where most of our CES team members have property), the idea of solar power is ubiquitous. You don’t really have to consider whether or not installing panels on your home or business will be productive or if the investment will ever be able to pay for itself. However, for those in other parts of the world, that is a real consideration. In order to help determine where solar will be a success, Absolar was created.

The company has created a fascinating system that combines two standard CES technologies, LiDAR and artificial intelligence, in a service that is not an autonomous vehicle or robot. Instead, they use massive yet detailed LiDAR scans of an entire city to map out the physical structure of an entire city. From that scan, they apply a machine learning algorithm in order to determine the surfaces on which solar panels will be the most productive and which will pay for themselves.

The technology was developed in conjunction with local governments in England in an attempt to reduce carbon output and non-renewable energy dependency. The LiDAR scans were made available by the government, and the data models were generated by Absolar. Together, they were able to map out a large number of buildings that could benefit from the installation of solar technology.

Even more interesting is that the technology is not limited to solar technology. With the scans and a new data model, they could identify other benefits, including green roofs, which is a trend that is starting to gain steam in the West. By training a new AI, new benefits can be achieved.

To learn more about Absolar or to find out how they can help your green initiatives, check out their website.

Interview by Scott Ertz of F5 Live: Refreshing Technology.

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Solar Cooking Inspired by Water Heaters: The GoSun Stove

GoSunGrill_HeroShotWhen you’re installing solar water heaters and it’s time for lunch, you start getting ideas about how you can cook. GoSun Stove was created originally using the solar pipes installed on roofs and can cook a meal without anything other than the sun. The popularity for campers has created a problem, though: how do you feed a family?

This year the company has introduced a larger model which can cook 4 meals and even includes the ability to cook off of stored electricity, either wall or solar-based, for cooking at night. The new GoSun Grill is available for pre-order now for $599 with summer 2016 availability.

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Interview by Scott Ertz of F5 Live: Refreshing Technology

Meet SunPort, the World’s First Smart Grid Solar Delivery Device

sunportAmid the bright lights of Las Vegas, SunPort offers a way for consumers to be much more energy conscience with how they use their devices.

SunPort is a tiny box that plugs into your outlet and measures the amount of energy that goes through it. That information is then tracked and matched with solar energy purchased from solar farms by usage. This allows for the application of solar energy without the need for installing panels or having sufficient land. SunPort director of information systems Nick Williams compared the method to depositing money into a bank and then withdrawing it from an ATM.

The device is portable, of course, meaning it can be used in any outlet so you can use your solar energy on the go. It can be preordered now and is expected to cost $80 per year for both the plug-in and the energy.

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Interview by Scott Ertz of F5 Live: Refreshing Technology

Wakka Wakka: Solar Power and Emergency Lighting When Needed

wakka wakkaSolar powered chargers and lights are not new, but when you do something valuable and helpful — that gets you noticed. That is what I liked about Wakka Wakka: the company is making solar products that help you along with helping people in 3rd world countries get power as well.

Wakka Wakka has on one end a solar panel that can charge the battery inside and give you over 40 hours of light. It can also charge devices if you need emergency power.

The device charges within 8 hours itself and is a perfect item for you boat, house or anywhere you need emergency power. The stand has a hole in it so you can set the charger on a bottle. That way you lift it off the window sill and get the solar device powered even faster.

Wakka Wakka also is helping in 3rd world countries that do not have a standard power grid. By powering these devices in the sun, they can charge their systems to make the day go faster. They also have lights for nighttime travel.

Best part is they are developing a full home emergency kit. The device is not released yet — you’ll have to watch the video for more information. In the meantime, go to www.getwakawaka.com for product lines.


Interview by Jeffrey Powers of Geekazine

Solar Focus: Solar Kindle Lighted Cover

The SolarFocus Technology Company Ltd  offers a CES2012 Innovation Award product, the solar-powered Kindle Lighted Cover.

E-ink technology offers an easy-on-the-eyes lightweight reading experience with the Amazon Kindle. But if you are looking for a way to protect that screen, and make sure that your Kindle never runs out of power, this is the product for you!

Plus, with the built in light, you can read in areas without good illumination (like on long flights) or while your sleeping partner enjoys an early bedtime.

Interview by Andy McCaskey of SDRNews for the TechPodcast Network.


iPowerUp : Portable Battery Packaged with Ingenious Features

Charging Device with Fuel Gauge

IPowerUp provides an entire series of cases, combining protective case with USB charging also adds a 1700mah battery – effectively doubling the range adding 6-8 hours of use time. Other models offer pockets for drivers license or credit card, or FM modulator that automatically selects an unused channel in home or auto. Charge status is displayed directly on most models, as well as integrated solar charging to allow the device to recharge indoors or out, adding about 17 minutes of talk time for every hour in the sun.

iPowerUp also makes a Bluetooth audio amplifier and a DLP Micro-Projector that also has charging capabilities.

Interview by Andy McCaskey and Courtney Wallin of SDRNews for the TechPodcast Network.


Protect your Kindle with Solarmio

These days many of us own the Amazon Kindle, and unfortunately many have found out just how fragile the device can be. Solarmio, who recently won an Innovation Award at the Consumer Electronics Show in Las Vegas, has some solutions to protect your favorite e-reader. The new Solarmio Kindle case will not only protect the device, but it has a few other handy features like a light for nighttime reading with a separate battery to power it for up to 50 hours. The case not only can be charged by a standard USB cable, but also has a solar panel cover that can keep it charged as well.

The Solarmio cover is available now for $79.99. You can see a full demonstration in the video below, as well as find out more by visiting Solarmio on the web, where you can also purchase this cool case for your Kindle.

Interview by Todd Cochrane of Geek News Central for the TechPodcast Network.
