VirtuItaly brings the art gallery experience to your home @ CES 2021

VirtuItaly virtual art galleryThe past year has stolen a lot from us, but one of the biggest losses has been the ability to travel and experience new places and cultures. Traveling is big part of life for many people of varying backgrounds. The experiences of going to parks, restaurants, and galleries is hard to give up. However, thanks to ArtCentrica, we can experience the art of Italy through VirtuItaly.

While VirtuItaly is designed to be an immersive platform that allows for in-person and remote experiences, the last year has certainly placed a focus on one part of the business. That aspect is a fantastic virtual platform that can help bring the experience of a classic art gallery to you, wherever you are. Through the platform, you can explore a large collection of paintings in a whole new way.

While normally, you must view the paintings from a distance, with VirtuItaly you can get up close and personal. In fact, you can use the platform to get so close you can see the individual imperfections in the paint. In our demo, we get to zoom into a painting to the point where you can see brush strokes and canvas cracks. The detail is absolutely stunning, and gives you the ability to experience the art in new ways.

One of the other things that sets the platform apart is the way they work to digitally restore the artwork. The art restorers research the materials that were available and popular for tinting paint in the time the work was created, and use that to determine what the colors would have been originally. This means that the vividness of the colors are likely closer to the original work than the reality is today.

VirtuItaly is available now, with a free trial to see what it is all about. To learn more or try it out, check out the VirtuItaly website.

Interview by Todd Cochrane of Geek News Central.

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Wi-Fi 6E and The Wi-Fi Alliance are making our lives faster @ CES 2021

Wi-Fi Alliance discusses Wi-Fi 6EOur lives are increasingly connected, and many of those connections are made via Wi-Fi. These days, while many of us are working from home, signal strength and speed have become even more important than before. Not because of this need, but in support of this need, the Wi-Fi Alliance has announced the next upgrade to the Wi-Fi standard: Wi-Fi 6E.

You may be unaware of the Wi-Fi Alliance, but they are an essential part of our lives. The organization is responsible for creating, maintaining, and advancing the standard that is Wi-Fi. They are the reason why it keeps getting faster and more reliable. They are also the reason why your HP laptop can connected to a Linksys router and have all of the benefits, without being manufactured by the same company.

The most recent version of the Wi-Fi standard was the renamed Wi-Fi 6. Like its Wi-Fi 5 (formerly 802.11ac) predecessor, the new standard runs on 5GHz spectrum. But, new spectrum has been opening up across the globe in the 6GHz bands, which gives additional speed and reliability. New spectrum means a new draft for what is being called Wi-Fi 6E. The updated standard will bring with it 14 additional 80 MHz channels and 7 additional 160 MHz channels. The additional of new channels means more opportunity to find channels without any local interference, improving stability.

Potentially even more important that all of this is the addition of capacity. Connected homes and smart homes mean more devices, all of which are looking for internet access via Wi-Fi. Fortunately, Wi-Fi 6E compatible devices will be coming to the market soon. As always, older Wi-Fi devices will still be able to connect to the newer routers, and newer devices will still be able to connect to older routers. To learn more about Wi-Fi 6E and the Wi-Fi Alliance, head over to their website.

Interview by Todd Cochrane of Geek News Central.

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OrCam MyEye turns text to speech for the visually impaired @ CES 2021

OrCam MyEye smart readingThe modern world relies very heavily on sight. While podcasts have brought audio back to a primary method of communication, much of what we do is visual. Phones, despite their name, have a strong focus on visuals. Even things as simple as eating at a restaurant requires sight to be able to know the menu. But, if you have a visual impairment, it can have a major impact on your life. Fortunately, our friends at OrCam have a technological solution to the problem: OrCam MyEye.

The OrCam MyEye is a small device that looks like a PowerPoint controller. But, instead of a device to control a computer, it is a small computer with a built-in camera. It attaches to your glasses, which allows it to stay focused in the same direction as your head. This allows you to use it to read aloud text in front of you. It can be done directly from the device, or it can be paired with a speaker or headphones.

The OrCam MyEye is controlled using gestures. You can tap the device to read whatever is in front of you. Or, you can point at text to have it start reading there. You can use a hand gesture, similar to an orchestral conductor, to end the reading. This puts you in full control of what is being read and when.

In addition to the text reading capability, it is able to do object identification. For example, it can learn and announce people using onboard facial recognition. It is also able to identify products around you, either using a pre-determined database, or by using the barcode on the product. In either case, it is able to announce that person or product just the same as it can read text.

The OrCam MyEye is available now starting at $3000, or can be purchased using Sunbit starting at $150 per month. To learn more or make a purchase, check out the OrCam website.

Interview by Todd Cochrane of Geek News Central.

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Petpuls is a wearable, using AI to give your dog a voice @ CES 2021

Petpuls dog emotional analysisWearable health tech has become a normal part of our lives. Many people wear a smartwatch or fitness tracker on their wrists that tracks your activity. Some people wear more specialized devices, like DFree, to track more specific medical issues. But, this is catering specifically to humans – but we love our pets almost as much as we love people. Petpuls recognizes this, and is bringing the benefits of wearable devices to your dogs.

Petpuls is a specialized collar that gives your dog a voice. Essentially, the idea is that your dog is speaking to you. Anyone who has had dogs knows that they can express their feelings and physical states with their barking. Different tones are used in different scenarios and to express different emotions. However, it can be difficult for humans to detect those differences. For those who can differentiate, it can still be difficult to figure out what they want or need.

This is where Petpuls comes in. Using a microphone, the collar has the ability to listen to your pet’s voice. Using artificial intelligence, the system is able to take that voice and translate it into simple English. Now, it’s not going to give you the ability to hold conversations with your dog, but it does give you the ability to determine several emotional states that your dog might be in: happy, sad, anxious, relaxed, and angry. This can give you the ability to respond to help relieve negative states or help maintain positive states.

Because the system is powered by AI, it means that the more devices that are in the wild, and the more of them in active use, the better the detection will get. In fact, with time, the nuances between these states might be able to be broken out into more detailed categories.

The Petpuls is available now for $99 for the small size and $108 for the large size. To learn more or make a purchase, head over to the Petpuls website.

Interview by Scott Ertz of F5 Live: Refreshing Technology.

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Sugr makes for clearer digital assistant experiences @ CES 2021

Sugr voice enhancement systemAnyone who has ever owned a virtual assistant has had the experience of calling them without them ever responding. Or, even weirder, is when you don’t summon them and they respond. After they are paying attention, it’s not guaranteed that things will go as planned. Commands can be misinterpreted or completely ignored. A lot of this has to do with the sound happening around you. Fortunately, Sugr has a solution for the future.

The company provides embedded voice technology to improve experiences. The technology can be built into many devices, making the voice of the user clearer to the listener. That listener could be a virtual assistant, or it could be someone on a headset or speakerphone. This can be a big win for many people in many scenarios.

One example where Sugr’s technology can make a great impact is in the car. Obviously, when in the car, there is a lot of external noise. The car itself makes noise, there’s road noise while in motion, other cars can honk their horn, etc. Trying to use a voice assistant in the car, therefore, can be a really hit or miss experience. Amazon tried to address the issue by including extra hardware to create a better version of regular noise cancelation – a third microphone.

Sugr’s voice technology is able to produce a better noise cancelation, and therefore a better Alexa experience, without the extra microphone. Less physical hardware means less to break and less inherent cost. Plus, the voice isolation can be used while on the phone, reducing the background noise, which is something the person you talk to on the phone will appreciate.

If you are a device manufacturer looking for voice technology to improve their product, you can learn more at the Sugr website.

Interview by Scott Ertz of F5 Live: Refreshing Technology.

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BioflightVR makes world-class medical training accessible @ CES 2021

BioflightVR medical trainingPauly Suchy is the Business Director at BioflightVR, a health care education company that uses Virtual Reality (VR) to train doctors, nurses and students. He joined us at CES 2021 to talk about the company’s training platform and their vision for the future.

VR training and simulation environments can save money and time, reducing training time for medical professionals by 40% from traditional training methods. When they employ high definition immersive environments like BioflightVR’s , they can also impart a heightened sense of excitement and urgency, just as a real world experience would, providing for more realistic training.

Launched by a grant from Facebook five years ago, BioflightVR’s first project was a pediatric resuscitation program developed in partnership with Oculus, Facebook and the Children’s Hospital of Los Angeles. Another program involved the creation of hybrid surgical training procedure with Duke University, utilizing a high definition 360 view of a recorded surgery. Bioflight VRs process is unique both for the gamification aspects of their training programs and the realistic immediacy created through real world recorded scenarios, developed in partnership with medical experts.

BioflightVR works with the medical community in three basic ways: enhancing existing training curriculum and helping develop new training procedures, creating immersive labs across a variety of VR platforms that include Oculus, HTC Vive, Oculus Go, and WebVR among others; and providing full VR and 360° video production services.

The end goal, said Suchy, is a cloud based platform where a user can take an Oculus , download an application and get access to a world class education from doctors around the world , in real time, from their operating rooms. Ultimately, BioflightVR believes the tool can decentralize and democratize access to what can often be unattainable training and resources for remote or underserved facilities and the medical professionals who serve them, bringing better health care to all.

Visit the company’s website to learn more.

Interview by Scott Ertz of F5 Live: Refreshing Technology.

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WOSH makes handwashing available without running water @ CES 2021

WOTA WOSH handwashing systemTetsuya Morimoto, Senior Manager of the Japanese company, WOTA Corp., joined us at CES 2021 to tell us about their new WOSH handwashing station that is ushering in a convenient and efficient new community sanitation system.

The WOSH handwashing station is a small triumph of technology that requires no access to running water. It consists of an upcycled drum, with a reusable self-contained AI monitored water system, sensors and three filtration systems: two activated carbon filters and one RO film which remove impurities and viruses. It can be placed anywhere and does not require any plumbing. The self-contained system recycles more than 98% of the water, returned to the user as clean water. It also includes a smartphone sterilization feature, with a 30-second, deep ultraviolet radiation function.

The company’s ultimate goal is to remove every limitation between people and water. WOSH can be easily installed in cafes, restaurants, offices and other facilities, and the AI system helps it become more efficient with repeated use. Other applications include hospitals, nursing facilities, airports, military deployments, and disaster relief support.

Described as a next level public health product, WOSH is aimed at those who understand the importance of handwashing and take health and sanitation seriously. The system also addresses the challenge of sanitation in developing nations where as many as 3 billion people have little to no water supply infrastructure. WOSH also features a lighted “safety ring” that counts down 30 seconds, to ensure that users wash their hands for the maximum recommended time, making handwashing fun for children, too.

WOTA, which is based in Tokoyo, already has 4 000 pre-orders from several major Japanese companies, including Mitsubishi and is getting ready for a $60 million series A launch. The company plans to bring WOSH to the United States in 2022

Learn more at the company’s website.

Interview by Scott Ertz of F5 Live: Refreshing Technology.

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HairMax makes regrowing lost hair as easy as a ballcap @ CES 2021

HairMax laser hair regrowthHair loss is a common problem, but one that many people find embarrassing despite having little to no control over the situation. An entire industry of products and services has been created around the problem and its solutions. Some solutions come in the form of medications, which can have side effects and could even cause harm to people around you. There are transplants, but those are incredibly expensive and a little odd for some. We’ve seen devices, but many of them can be more expensive than people are able to afford. Luckily, if you suffer from hair loss, HairMax has a unique solution to the problem.

HairMax has been around for 20 years and is constantly looking for new ways to make its products available to more people. They focus on laser-powered solutions in a variety of configurations. There’s the LaserComb, which is exactly what its name sounds like. There is the LaserBand, which looks like a thick hairband with the treatment lasers built-in. There is also the PowerFlex Laser Cap, which takes the treatment lasers and builds them into a baseball cap. However, the design of the product caused a higher price than they had hoped, so back to the drawing board the company went.

The solution that came about was the Flip 80 Laser Cap. Rather than having the entire scalp covered in the specialized lasers, they cut the number down. How did they accomplish this? Straight down the middle. Rather than a single usage every other day that covers the entire scalp, you do two treatments every other day. You start with the lasers on one side of your head and then flip it around and do it again. In doing this, HairMax was able to cut the price to less than half of its full scalp sibling.

All of the company’s products are available now. The PowerFlex Laser Cap runs $1899, while the Flip 80 Laser Cap runs $699. To learn more about these products or to make a purchase, check out the HairMax website.

Interview by Scott Ertz of F5 Live: Refreshing Technology.

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Learning the key to a more simple life with Everykey @ CES 2021

Everykey unlock everythingEveryday life is so busy. There are so many things, every day, that we are accountable for. We’re so busy running around all over the place and trying to keep up with everything. It’s so easy to get lost in our routines. I, for one, seem to constantly be misplacing even the most basic items… my hairbrush, my wallet, my keys. And don’t even get me started on how many passwords I have, all with different criteria. This site needs a minimum of 8 characters, another one needs a mixture of special characters while yet another one wants no special characters at all. So confusing and frustrating. That’s why this interview with Chris from Everykey was so refreshing and couldn’t have come along at a better time.

I’ll admit that the mere name of this product begs certain questions right off the bat. What exactly is this and is it even safe? Excellent questions! First of all, Everykey is made using military-grade security with extra safety features right at your fingertips, so you can rest assured that it is safe. It is a Bluetooth device that replaces some of the most important items in your life, like your keys and your passwords. You will use Everykey to unlock your phone, laptop, tablet, house door, car door, and other access-controlled devices. And it will do so automatically. Whenever you are nearby, your devices will unlock and then they will lock back down again when you walk away. Everykey can also generate secure passwords for your various website accounts. This is great because it allows you to automatically log in when you visit a website.

You’ll be able to set up and customize your Everykey with their easy-to-use mobile application. The app assists you with pairing to all of your devices and managing things like the range settings. It will also allow you to receive the latest over-the-air software updates to your Everykey so you can stay up to date on new features and security standards. Best of all, you have the ability to freeze it when needed. In the event that you lose your Everykey, you can remotely freeze it via the App or by a quick call to the company, to ensure that no one else can use it if they get a hold of it.

Pricing starts at $59 when purchasing multiples and they have accessories that start at $5. To find out more, please make sure to watch the video in its entirety and also check out there website.

Interview by Daniele Mendez of The New Product Launchpad.

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ScopeMedia gives online fashion retailers a boost @ CES 2021

ScopeMedia fashion assistantAs consumers, the overall process of bringing an already well-established line of products to market seems to be routine and relatively simple in our minds. For example, if we want or need a new suit, we visit retail stores (whether brick and mortar, online, or more commonly by some combination of both) to shop and ultimately make our purchase. As far as the supply chain, we inherently know there are designers, marketers, distributors, advertisers, and wholesalers/retailers involved in the process. However, we usually never stop to consider that, in this day and age, there are many other intricacies involved in helping us get to our final purchases. Actually, there is a lot that goes on behind the scenes for any industry, and especially when trying to improve upon processes and sales growth. The fashion industry is no exception to this. We had the chance to discuss one of these industry improving technologies with Paul from ScopeMedia this year at CES 2021.

As a leading developer of visual-based personalization and recommendation services, ScopeMedia has conducted years of research on Artificial Intelligence (AI) as well as Computer Vision and has developed quite an interesting system. The result is a smart visual recommendation system that involves an innovative fashion index for e-commerce retailers. As internet shopping becomes more prevalent, adding a machine learning approach to all aspects of the design-to-purchase process is a smart path to take.

Their platform can easily be integrated into eCommerce stores to assist retailers to increase customer interest and sales, as well as improve the overall shopping experience. They have a unique Fashion Index model that is specifically designed for the fashion industry. It’s not only good to increase consumer satisfaction and increased sales, but it also helps retailers conduct trend analysis on the back end.

Be sure to watch the entire video to get more information and if you would like to give their technology a try for yourself, you can check out their demo store.

Interview by Daniele Mendez of The New Product Launchpad.

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