Category Archives: Robotics

ElliQ: AI companion to alleviate loneliness in older adults @ CES 2024

ElliQ companion robot for elderlyIntuition Robotics is a company that has created an AI-driven companion named ElliQ. This innovative product is designed to combat feelings of loneliness and social isolation in older adults. It aims to promote health and activity, supporting seniors as they continue to live independently.

AI companion for elderly adults

Loneliness among the elderly is a significant issue in the country. It has been declared a public health crisis by the Surgeon General of the United States, as it surpasses obesity and drug abuse as the leading cause of death among older adults. It is emphasized that there is a shortage of young people who can spend quality time with the elderly on a daily basis.

The impact of loneliness on the health of elderly individuals is immense. Loneliness can have detrimental effects on physical and mental well-being, and it is often underestimated. The story of a customer whose husband passed away after 65 years of marriage is shared to illustrate the profound impact of loneliness. ElliQ’s ability to greet her, compliment her appearance, and encourage her to go out and be socially active has transformed her life, giving her a reason to get dressed and engage with the world.

Intuition Robotics recognized the potential for technology to address this issue and created ElliQ as a solution. However, they wanted their product to be more than just a monitoring device or a prompt-based AI assistant like Alexa. They aimed to create a true friend and companion for the elderly. To achieve this, the device spends material amounts of time with the older adult, remembers past conversations, initiates conversations, and helps the individual achieve their own goals towards healthier aging and social connectivity.

Unlike prompt-driven AI, ElliQ actively engages in conversations and prompts the individual for information and action. It classifies and remembers conversations, using them to create future interactions. For example, it may ask about sleep quality, remind the individual of previous pain, and suggest breathing exercises. It can also take physical or digital actions, such as creating tailored stress reduction exercises or arranging video conferences with loved ones or healthcare professionals.

ElliQ versus wearables

Wearables can be a great way to track health statistics in kids and adults. However, older adults are less likely to wear these devices, partially because they are unaccustomed to them and partially because they might simply forget to put them on.

While ElliQ is not a wearable device itself, it can be seen in a comparable place in the sense that it interacts with the user and provides a physical presence. Nevertheless, the hope is that as wearables have become more popular among younger people, ElliQ can provide similar capabilities for older people while adding the benefit of a companion’s personality.

A powerful but affordable companion

One might assume that an AI-enabled robot like ElliQ would come with a high price tag. However, CEO Dor Skuler reveals that ElliQ is surprisingly affordable, with a monthly charge between $50 and $60. This makes it accessible to a wider range of individuals and families who are seeking a solution to combat loneliness among their elderly loved ones.

The affordability of ElliQ is further enhanced by the fact that many local state and government organizations are funding the product. In certain areas, such as New York and most counties in Florida, ElliQ can be obtained for free, paid for by agencies like the Office for the Aging. Additionally, Medicare and Medicaid companies are also distributing ElliQ to their population, recognizing the positive impact it can have on mental health and overall well-being.

Conclusion: ElliQ can help older adults feel less lonely

In summary, AI-enabled robots like ElliQ have been shown to effectively alleviate loneliness among the elderly. The importance of tackling this issue is underscored, and the cost-effectiveness and easy accessibility of ElliQ are high. ElliQ offers more than just assistance; it provides companionship, support, and a proactive presence, becoming a genuine friend and confidant for older adults. Through its interactions and features, ElliQ not only enhances mental well-being but also has the potential to positively influence physical health and overall life quality for the elderly. To learn more about ElliQ or to get one for yourself or a loved one, check out the company’s website.

Interview by Christopher Jordan of The Talking Sound.

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Pyxel makes it easy for anyone to learn how to code @ CES 2023

Pyxel coding robot dogIt seems like every time we turn around, someone is talking about education in STEAM – meaning science, technology, engineering, arts, and mathematics (or manufacturing). And, while it is not the right direction for all people, for those who are interested, it can be difficult to find a great way to begin. Much like Goldilocks, some kits are too complicated, and some kits are too simple, but Pyxel from Educational Insights seems to be just right.

What is Pyxel?

Pyxel is a robotic dog that is designed to be a coder’s best friend. It is designed to be able to be programmed for various tasks and activities without having to have any experience in hardware. This is a nice change from most other platforms, as they traditionally require you to build something before you can control it. For people who are uninterested in hardware but still want to have the benefit of seeing something in the real world respond to code you’ve created, this is a truly ideal situation.

There is something special when learning to code when you can write code and see something in the real world change. It doesn’t matter if the thing moves, talks, makes noise, or even just blinks – having an effect on the real world creates a level of excitement that pure software just can’t create. In fact, for many seasoned software engineers, having an effect on reality can still be really exciting.

How does Pyxel work?

Pyxel is entirely programmed through a web-based portal. All you have to do is connect to your device using a direct Wi-Fi connection and open your browser to the development portal address. This means that you don’t have to have a special app installed, a development environment, or anything you don’t already have. This is a benefit for teachers in schools who are using computers that are locked down by school IT, as you won’t need any special abilities to install anything that doesn’t already exist.

Once you’re connected, you can use the portal to create code to control your Pyxel. There are two ways to do this – using a block programming environment or through Python, a growing industry standard. If you are familiar with either of these programming environments, then you’re able to jump in and get started. If you’re new to everything, then you’ll want to jump into the tutorials that will help guide you through the process.

The best part is, if you get started using the block environment and want to progress into Python, there’s an easy way to do this. Within the system, there is a conversion chart that shows the block name on the left, its result to the bot in the middle, and the equivalent Python code on the right. So, to learn how to make Pyxel do as you wish, this system does have everything you’ll need.


The Pyxel coding dog is available for pre-order now for $125 with a release date of April 24, 2023. To learn more about Pyxel or the company, check out their website.

Interview by Scott Ertz of F5 Live: Refreshing Technology.

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Task Complete: Aiper keeps your pool clean without cords @ CES 2023

Aiper Pool Cleaning RobotIf you own a pool, you know that maintaining the pool can be a pain. Between keeping the pH balance correct, a garage full of various chemicals, a constant fight against leaves, plus keeping the bottom clean, there is always something to do. There have been machines to help with the process, like filters and vacuums, but even that isn’t perfect. However, Aiper has a line of underwater robots to make maintaining your pool easier.

What is Aiper?

Aiper is a robotics company that makes an entirely cordless robotic pool cleaner. This machine is able to maneuver itself around the bottom of your pool without any obstructions and keep the surface of the pool clean. Because of its design, it is also able to come out of the water slightly in order to clean the ring around the pool above the water surface and below the deck.

If you’ve had an indoor robotic vacuum, you generally understand the concept. The machine goes into the water and travels around the surface to keep it clean. The system maps out the surface of the pool ahead of time, which helps it to ensure that a complete cleaning is accomplished. The robot is also battery-powered and easily rechargeable. In fact, it only takes 90 minutes for a complete charge. To keep the robot itself clean, simply remove the filter, empty it out, and put it back in.

Why choose Aiper?

We’ve all seen pool cleaners that live under the water. Traditionally, these machines have a very long shop vac pipe that pulls behind them. Using that tube, the machine is able to essentially vacuum the bottom of the pool, with the suction coming from the other end of the tube. This design is functional, but also creates a lot of problems.

The tubes often get tied up in knots as the cleaner goes under them. This prevents the machine from completing its cleaning path and can also cause damage to the tube itself. If the cleaner doesn’t get under the tube, it might just get caught and stopped, once again ending the cleaning cycle whether or not the pool is clean. in either case, you’re going to have to get involved, often inside of the pool, and resolve the issue.

This is where the biggest win comes in for Aiper. Since the Aiper robotic cleaners are battery-powered with their vacuums built into the machine, there are no tubes. This means that there is no chance that it gets caught up in itself. All of this prevents interaction from the owner and significantly reduces the chances of damage to the machine or other items, including toys, in the pool.


Several models of the Aiper robotic pool vacuums are available now. The newest model, the Aiper Seagull Pro, will release on March 20, 2023. You can purchase the existing models or pre-order the new model at the company’s store. To learn more about the company and the full line of products, you can go to the company’s website.

Interview by Daniele Mendez of The New Product Launchpad.

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Apollo brings full automation to ADT’s commercial offerings @ CES 2023

ADT Commercial Apollo security robotIt seems like every day we hear about another industry that AI, robotics, and automation are coming to improve. Fast food service has gotten better with more automation in the kitchen. Manufacturing has been helped immensely by robotics and automation, making the jobs in factories safer and less physically intensive. However, one place that we didn’t expect to see robotics, at least not today, is security. However, ADT Commercial has a new robot security guard called Apollo.

What is Apollo?

Apollo is a humanoid robot that is intended to augment traditional security guards in an office, retail space, or any other commercial property. It is part of the company’s new EvoGuard initiative, which seeks to infuse high-tech capabilities into ADT’s commercial security offerings.

A large part of a human security guard’s job is to observe their surroundings and report on what they see. This can be done by walking the premises and looking for things that are out of place, or by sitting with a wall of screens watching an entire property at once. If something out of the ordinary is observed, the correct people are alerted. This could be another member of security, the property owner, or even the police.

Apollo is capable of doing all of this, without any of the restrictions of a person. The robot can travel around a property easily looking for changes in the environment, or even recognizable issues. Once an issue is recognized, it can report back to a security supervisor and a human can take over control of the robot to go and investigate further. If warranted, the agent can then notify someone on the grounds, the property owner, or the local police.

One of the interesting features of Apollo is the virtual reality option. Using a VR headset, the supervisor is able to essentially become the robot. They are able to see through the perspective of the robot and manipulate it as if they were there. This includes moving its hands, opening or closing doors, checking windows, etc. However, if the supervisor is unable or unwilling to use the VR experience, the entire thing can also be controlled from the system’s computer-based dashboard.

This is actually the reason why Apollo is humanoid. If the purpose was merely to observe and report, then it could have been designed to look like a trash can. However, because it is intended to be able to be used remotely to accomplish goals, the company let it was important to make it with a wider range of motion. But, since all of our environments are designed for humans, it was decided that Apollo should be humanoid, as well.


Apollo is currently in use through partnerships with three test partners. Using their feedback, the company and its design partner are able to make adjustments before it becomes available for a wider audience, hopefully during quarter 1 of 2023. To learn more about Apollo or ADT’s other commercial security offerings, you can check out their website.

Interview by Daniele Mendez of The New Product Launchpad.

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Ball Wave gives robots and computers the ability to smell @ CES 2023

Ball Wave Machine Smell DetectorComputers and machinery have gained a lot of abilities over the past few years. Computers can think for themselves with artificial intelligence. Robots can see and hear thanks to cameras and microphones. Together they create the ability for machines to make decisions about their environment and adapt. But, one thing that’s missing is the sense of smell. That’s where Ball Wave technology comes in.

What is Ball Wave and how does it work?

Ball Wave is a remarkable new technology that has the potential to revolutionize the way we use technology. It allows a machine to essentially be able to smell the air around it. But, more importantly, it allows for an integrated laboratory to analyze the air in near real-time.

This technology takes what is traditionally a very large piece of equipment and shrinks it down to a very small package. What was once the size of an air conditioner is now able to be held in the hand. This means that there are a lot of opportunities that were never available before.

But the real beauty is the integrated computer that allows you to get analysis results immediately. You can tell within seconds if there are any irregularities in the air. This can be used for safety purposes or even for monitoring the quality or process of making wine.

How can Ball Wave technology be used?

The impressive part of the technology is that, because of its size, it can be used in a large number of applications. One of the most surprising is that it is small and light enough to be placed on a drone. In fact, the company has an example video on its website showing the box in action on a drone. In addition to being just plain cool, it also has a lot of benefits. The device can be used to test air quality in areas that are not easily reachable, such as during building construction or demolition.

Another interesting usage is in the alcohol industry. The company has piloted using the box to keep track of the production process for sake, a popular drink in Japan. Because of the way the system works, it is able to monitor the fermentation process and know where the sake is in its production. The next stage is to integrate AI into the system to be able to even determine brand from the scent.

Of course, the concept isn’t limited to sake. In fact, it could easily be adapted to keep an eye on wine or beer. Production of these drinks has a lot of potential problems in production, so being able to track the progress can prevent wine turning to vinegar.


The Ball Wave technology is already in use in Japan, with an expansion of markets planned. The technology has many uses inside and outside of laboratory purposes. To learn more about Ball Wave or to find out how you might be able to use it, head over to the company’s website.

Interview by Scott Ertz of F5 Live: Refreshing Technology.

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