All posts by PLUGHITZ Live

Marion Surgical has created virtual operating rooms to train surgeons

Marion Surgical VR TrainingWhen most people think of virtual reality, they tend to think of the technology in terms of gaming. However, there are many uses for VR that are not based on entertainment, but instead on education. One area of education that is being enhanced by virtual reality is the medical field. VR and AR can be used to replicate real-world experiences without the cost of the procedure. Marion Surgical is doing just that with surgical education.

There are several steps in a surgeon’s life that can be enhanced using Marion Surgical’s technology. The first is in the early training process. Traditionally, surgical skill is learned through pig labs, but that has issues, such as cost, as well as kosher concerns. Because the VR technology can replicate the process entirely, without the need for the pig, it can be used by anyone for less money. The room is replicated by the headset, while the haptic feedback is provided through robotics. The surgical instruments, however, are real.

The technology can also be used to do training on a particular surgery for a particular patient. Using CT scans, the system can replicate a patient in great detail, allowing for a surgeon to perform a procedure on a patient before bringing them into the operating room. This means that many possible problems can be discovered while in virtual reality, rather than during actual surgery. The simulation gives doctors more than once chance to mitigate these risks without the risk of harming or killing the patient. It may not be a foolproof solution, as unknowns can always happen, but it can certainly be of huge benefit in most cases.

The technology is already being used for training exercises and an exciting experiment is being conducted with two real patients. To find out more about the platform, check out the company’s website.

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NationCrowd brings the power of crowdfunding to political action

NationCrown Political FundraisingThe problem with creating a position of power is that other people want to influence that power. Our founders knew that which is why our government was structured the way it was. Today, we are way past the safety of that system, which has allowed the governmental policies to be dictated by lobbying groups with more money and time than the public interest. It has been nearly impossible for individuals to fight the big money of these lobbying groups for particular issues until the creation of NationCrowd by Echo Ridge.

The platform combines the power of crowdfunding with political causes to help individuals come together to create change in their world. This is done not by supporting a particular candidate because change does not actually come at the ballot box. Instead, this platform is based around ideas and causes – giving a voice to the people which has been lost to big money in politics. People are able to throw their support behind issues that are important to them, allowing politicians and policymakers to see what is important to their constituents. This is a far more effective way to bring about lasting change than petitioning a single politician.

The company recently closed its beta program, in which they focused on the issue of paid family leave. There are competing bills being pitched with varying ideas on what should be made law. As part of the platform’s beta, CEO Jeff Allan had the opportunity to speak to members of Congress to show them the numbers. They were both amazed at how much information was available on what the people, and their constituents, are hoping for in regards to family leave.

The platform’s beta has concluded, and the company is making changes based on feedback from the program. To find out more about the platform and to sign up to be notified when the platform comes online, check out the website.

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Barbers and stylists coming to me, at my convenience? Yes, please!

COMPANY LOGOI don’t know about you, but it always seems to be such a hassle for me to not only make appointments but even more so to get myself to them. This is especially true when I have a lot going on between work, family obligations, and household projects. Do I make my hair appointments near the house, or near work? Will I have time to get it done during my lunch break? So many things to consider and workaround.

Klippers is a mobile app that recently launched in Toronto, that is a marketplace for connecting users with the hairstylists and the barbers that are in the area. So users go into the app and can see all of the hairstylist and barbers around the area that they choose. Not only that, but the services that they offer and their portfolios are also right there on the app. It’s easy to locate exactly what you want, check prices and ratings and book right there. Oh, and let’s not forget the best part… then they come to you. That’s right, they show up at the location of your choice with all of their supplies. It doesn’t get any easier than that for even the most hectic of schedules.

Klippers not only makes scheduling easy, but they also have very high standards for their service providers, to help put the client’s minds at ease. They put all stylists through a screening process right upfront before they are allowed to be listed on the app. This process verifies experience and licenses as well as provides a full background check, so you don’t need to be worried about who is coming to your home or place of business. Customer safety is their top priority.

Although currently only available in Toronto, Canada, the company is looking to expand into other large markets. Make sure to watch our interview with the CEO and Co-founder, Neel Patel to find out more about this exciting new app. You can also learn more by checking out their website by clicking here.

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Curiato is helping to prevent bedsores and other skin problems

Curiato Smart Bed SheetsIt’s hard to believe that, with all of the technology in a modern hospital, or even in our smartwatches, the part of the body that is completely ignored is our skin. This is despite our skin being the largest organ of the body and the first line of defense that we have against disease and injury. Patients all over the world enter medical facilities for other issues, but develop skin issues while there, all because it is difficult to track. Fortunately, Curiato noticed this problem and has developed a product to help solve it.

The company has developed a smart bedsheet, which is capable of detecting pressure, temperature, and humidity. With those 3 data points, the platform can detect, predict, and prevent injuries like bedsores. While everyone has heard of bedsores, almost no one knows exactly how big the problem of skin issues is. In North America alone, 7 people die every hour from skin issues like bedsores. Yes, you read that right: 7 people die every hour from fairly easily preventable skin issues. However, detection has always been the problem, but Curiato helps to fill that skill gap.

While bedsores may be where the company is starting, they believe that the technology can be used for far more. The intention is to use the platform as a marketplace of ideas and applications. Using the data collected by the existing hardware, other applications can use it, combine it with other data, and make even more powerful platforms. Imagine if the patient management system that helps run an assisted living facility could have Curiato built-in directly. If a patient doesn’t move for an extended period, an ALF employee could be alerted to prevent a permanent or life-threatening injury.

The platform is currently in clinical trials and they hope to begin rolling it out soon. For more information, check out the company’s website.

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Granthika brings continuity management to authors of fiction

Granthika Fiction Author ToolsFor authors of fiction, several issues can make the experience challenging. Some of those issues end up making the final work frustrating for the reader. We’ve all gotten into reading a book series or watched a television series in which a known fact, about a character or a location, is contradicted – not because of plot development, but because of the difficulty of maintaining the details of a universe that doesn’t exist (did Michael Scott go to college or not?!). For those writers who want to prevent this issue, there is Granthika.

Normally, writers keep a notebook or a separate document with the individual details of the development of the world or universe being created. However, no one is ever able to maintain all of the details. When did two characters first meet? Who started working at Dunder Mifflin first: Jim or Pam? These types of questions can take the reader or watcher out of the action, but Granthika can help prevent it. Using natural language processing, the software can essentially read a book and begin to build a timeline and fact database for the author.

While this is great for a solo author, it has a particular value for a universe with multiple authors. It doesn’t matter if it is two authors working together on a book, or an open-source universe like Isaac’s Universe, created by Isaac Asimov and contributed to by authors all over the world. When a rule is created, or experience documented, that data can be shared with the other authors, to prevent continuity issues or storylines based on false accounts.

Granthika is currently in an open beta phase, and an author can try it out today. To get in on the beta, or to find out more about the software, check out the Granthika website.

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Make money when you travel by delivering items as you go, with KNGRO

KNGRO International ShoppingNot very many people here in the states know this, but the candy brand Kit Kat is extremely popular in Japan. One of the reasons that it is so popular there is because they have different flavors than we have here. A couple of years ago, a friend of mine traveled to Japan and brought back all kinds of wonderful (and crazy) flavored Kit Kat’s. There was strawberry cheesecake, green tea, orange, wasabi, and sweet corn, to name a few. And once they were gone… they were gone. If only I had a quick and easy way to get some more of these unusual treats. Sure, there are now some trendy candy, and even comic book, stores that dabble in some of these candies from overseas, but still not the full range. And it can get so expensive to order foreign items online, with markup and shipping, to say the least. This is where the new app, KNGRO, comes into play.

We learned more about it when we met Roy Abdo, Marketing Director and one of the cofounders of KNGRO, at Collision Conference 2019. They realized that there are a lot of people around the world who want to purchase items from far away places. Likewise, there are millions of people who travel internationally every year. So why not find a way to link them up? They created a platform where people can order things from other areas and then someone traveling to/from that location will bring them to you for a mutually agreed-upon fee. It’s the perfect set up for everybody involved. The traveler can make a little extra cash for their efforts, and the shopper can get their items, not only for a better price than shipping but also much faster than waiting weeks for their international packages.

The app and the online version are really easy to use, too. You simply list the item that you want, along with your location and the location of the item. Then travelers go in to “make an offer” on the items that they can bring along in their luggage to drop off when they arrive in your area. Simple transaction for both parties.

Check out Roy’s full interview to get more details and then hop over to their website to get started.

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Locelle is helping women connect and excel in today’s workplace

Locelle Social NetworkingIn most professional industries, it is difficult for women to make connections and meet like-minded women in the workplace. This problem has created a huge hurdle for women to overcome in their careers. Humaira Ahmed has been working on ways to improve this dilemma with her company, Locelle. Locelle is a safe engagement application for women to easily connect for support and mentorship. This app is like a more personalized LinkedIn for women to expand their networks through business connections, friendship, or even helpful conversation with women from similar backgrounds, industries, and organizations.

Locelle provides its users with curated matches based upon things like their professional and personal interests, and industry, as well as preferred meetup. A woman using this platform can easily establish a meaningful, long-lasting professional relationship such as mentorship by just creating a profile. You can even attend events that are related to the Locelle mission to make those initial connections in person before adding them to your network in the app.

Many women struggle with the culture of their day to day in the office due to a majority of today’s industries facing a male-dominated atmosphere. This can be detrimental to a woman’s confidence, network, and even their overall career. Locelle prides themselves with helping to establish meaningful relationships that can assist women in these situations. One way they accomplish this is by facilitating interaction with other women who may have already tackled problems similar to what you are currently facing. Advice is very important to help someone excel in their career and very helpful to learn from others and their situations. It is not about just surviving in your workplace; it’s about thriving and progressing in your career! Every obstacle is a stepping stone into a better you and you can share your experiences with other women that get it.

Locelle is available now for download through iOS and Android users. The app launched first in Canada with currently 1,000 users and is looking to expand its horizons. For more information on Locelle, you can visit their website. You can also find them on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram under @locelleapp.

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BIO-H2-GEN is hoping to bring a new process for producing hydrogen

BIO-H2-GEN Hydrogen ProductionIn the next generation of energy production, hydrogen is going to play a major role. That is regardless of the energy method, whether it be hydrogen fuel cells, hydrogen fusion, and even used for space travel. However, the current limitation to hydrogen as a fuel source is in the production of the hydrogen itself. It is expensive, both in terms of money and resources. That may all change if William Knapp’s company, BIO-H2-GEN, can get their technology off the ground.

Knapp’s patented technology uses a ready, nearly never-ending source of materials for production, coming from wastewater treatment. As it stands now, these treatment facilities spend hundreds of thousands of dollars to remove and dispose of the bacteria that produce hydrogen sulfide in their facilities. However, this same chemical can be used to produce hydrogen with a zero-carbon process. By adding this process to the treatment facilities, they can reduce their treatment costs, as well as generate revenue from the resulting hydrogen.

BIO-H2-GEN is still at an early stage. They received 20 patents early this year for the technology. This was an important validation of the technology and the process, which helps move to the next stage: testing. The company is currently looking for a partner to help bring the idea out of the concept and into reality. This would require building one or more pilot plants, which could be distributed to treatment facilities for monitoring.

Knapp has already tapped a couple of engineering firms, with whom he will spend several weeks perfecting a prototype refinery, once partners come forward. The partners needed are for production and capital for operational and equipment expenses. For more information on the process, or to contact the company to inquire about partnering, you can check out the company’s website.

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Bottega makes VR and AR available to cheaper and lighter hardware

Bottega VR ProcessingAugmented Reality and Virtual Reality are technologies that have taken the world by storm. Games like Pokemon GO have made AR a daily activity, and platforms like Oculus and Steam VR have made deploying VR games to the masses possible. However, both of these technologies require a substantial amount of rendering power to make the graphics of a quality that is engaging. This means that many devices, including middle and low tier mobile phones, are out of contention. That is unless the developer uses Bottega’s technology.

While normal games and apps require the graphics to be rendered in real-time on the device being used, Bottega allows these games and apps to offload a hefty portion of this rendering to remote systems. Unlike systems like Microsoft’s Project xCloud, however, Bottega does not use live remote rendering servers. Instead, the system pre-renders portions of the graphics. This allows the app or game to load the graphics from hot storage, which is far cheaper than powerful rendering servers. Storage, even hot storage, is fairly cheap in the grand scheme of cloud services, and taking advantage of this can be a major cost saving for the developer.

By implementing this technology, AR and VR can be brought to smaller and lighter technology. Inexpensive phones can now access features that were withheld from them. Even better, standalone VR and AR headsets, like the Oculus Go and the Microsoft HoloLens, can be made significantly lighter. This can usher in a new era of VR and AR experiences that do not require bulky hardware or tethered computers. All it will require is an internet connection. With the impending launch of 5G network connections, this will be able to be made mobile, as well.

Bottega is currently in an early testing phase but hopes to be ready for a wider rollout in the near future.

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ConnectedYou is connecting cellular IoT devices around the globe

ConnectedYou IoT SIMThe Internet of Things, better known to the world as IoT, is a complicated network of devices that are able to collect information about the world and share it. This information can be used for something as simple as maintaining a comfortable temperature in a building or can be as complex as maintaining and securing a fleet of vehicles. But maintaining these connections can be difficult, especially when the sensors are on the move. That’s where ConectedYou comes in.

The company provides a special SIM card that can be used in a connected device instead of a traditional carrier-supplied card. This special SIM allows for quick and programmable switching of networks without having to involve the carriers themselves. Because the SIM is an eSIM implemented in a standard plug-in SIM body, it is usable in any GSM or LTE device from any manufacturer. Take, for example, a cargo train traveling across North America, up the West Coast. Through the heavily populated parts of California, T-Mobile might be an inexpensive data provider. However, in the unpopulated parts of Washington, AT&T might be the only option. And, when it enters Canada, neither are good choices and instead needs TELUS.

Previously, this network switch was not possible without physically swapping out SIM cards, something that is not possible in the noted scenario. Using ConnectedYou, and their management platform, this becomes a simple task. Use the company’s management console to create rules and change carriers on the fly. Or, use the APIs to create even more intricate swapping algorithms. Wherever your devices are, you can create a scenario so that they can communicate with your network and your infrastructure.

The ConnectedYou SIM is available now for use in IoT devices globally. To learn more about the platform, or to purchase a SIM, head to the company’s website.

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