Category Archives: Home

Netgear: How Many Devices Are on Your Router?

Double the Count in One Year

Connected devices – tablets, streaming video, smartphones,thermostats – are growing rapidly, with the average home deploying over seven devices on a home router – almost doubling over the past year. Netgear announced eight new products, optimized to serve all of these devices. Products such as the Netgear N-900 Router give better range, and the ability to give priority to certain types of traffic, such as gaming or VoIP.

In the interview, we also discuss PowerLine Carrier as an alternative in the home. Netgear just announced a 500Mb/sec version, with a 1Gb system on the roadmap.

Interview by Andy McCaskey and Courtney Wallin of SDRNews for the TechPodcast Network.


Kidz Gear Volume Limiting Headphones

Volume Limiting Headphones

CES regular Jack Peterson talks with Todd and Don on the latest headphones for children from Kidz Gear.

Kidz Gear produces headphones with smaller headbands and ear cups to fit the smaller heads of children. This year they’ve brought to the market new wired headphones that have a built-in volume limiter that prevents children’s hearing becoming damaged through excessive sound levels. The headphones reduce the maximum sound level by about 20% into the 80-95 decibel range.

The new headphones are compatible with the iPad, iPhone and iPod ranges and include an inline remote and mic control. They’re available from the Apple Store or direct from Kidz Gear for $29.99.

An additional new product in the same vein is a volume limit cable which can be added to already-purchased headphones to make them safer for children. Priced at only $9.99, there’s currently a special price of $5.99 showing on-line.

Interview by Todd Cochrane of Geek News Central and Don Baine, the Gadget Professor for the TechPodcast Network.


LG Styler Overview

LG Styler If you are a businessman or women you know how important it is to have your cloths wrinkle free and smelling fresh. You also know how expensive dry cleaning can get. LG may have an answer for you, the LG Styler. The LG Styler is about the size of a storage wardrobe. The cloths hang from a rack and steam is used to gently remove wrinkles and odors. There are no harsh chemicals involved. It takes about thirty-nine minutes to steam and dry a shirt.

Right now the LG Styler is only available in S. Korea and Japan, but they hope to have it available in the U.S for around $2,000 by the end of the year. At this point LG is looking at selling the Styler not only to individuals, but also to high end hotels and other companies that cater to the business travellers. Wouldn’t it be nice to get to a hotel room, unpack and place your shirts in the LG Styler and then in less then 40 minutes you are ready to go. Your cloths smell fresh and are wrinkle free. The LG Styler isn’t supposed to replace dry cleaning, but it might keep your cloths ready to wear between dry cleanings.

Interview by Todd Cochrane of Geek News Central


Trikke A Fun (Electric) Ride

Trikke If you live in the city or suburbs and are looking for a vehicle that you could ride to work and have fun doing it, then you may want to take a look at the Trikke. As the word indicates the Trikke is a three-wheeled electric vehicle. Because it has three wheels it is very stable and easy to ride. You simply turn the throttle and go. You can lean into the curves and the wheels never leave the ground. It folds up so you can easily fit it in the back of a car or carry it into the office. A Trikke weights between 35 and 48 pounds (with battery) depending on the model, so you are probably not going to want to carry it far. You can plug it into any outlet to recharge it. A battery takes about three hours to fully recharge. On a fully charged battery a Trikke will go from 10 to 24 miles depending on model and weight of the rider. You can reach speeds up to 17 miles per hour.

Trikkes are available in different colors and models and the prices range from $1300 to $2200 depending on the model. If you are a skier a Trikke would be a great way to keep in shape for the skiing season. You use the same muscle and movements on a Trikke that you do for skiing and it is low impact. Easier to ride than a bike and a lot better on the bottom.

Interview by Todd Cochrane of Geek News Central


Allure Energy: Proximity Energy Management

Allure Energy’s patented Proximity Energy Management system is the advanced solution to energy management with today’s active and somewhat unpredictable lifestyle. Older internet enabled thermostat systems allowed changing settings from smartphone apps – but the user still had to remember to manually intervene.

Allure Energy’s system does the resets automatically, based on the reported position of the smartphone from GPS information to the system. Thus, the home is always at the proper temperature when occupants are away,but when they leave or return throughout the day, the energy is automatically adjusted for maximum energy efficiency.


Interview by Andy McCaskey of SDRNews for the TechPodcast Network.


Other World Computing: Power2U AC/USB Wall Outlet

The only UL-Listed in-wall solution for powering and recharging USB devices

Is your home infested with Wall Warts ? – the wall transformer power supplies that seem to multiply like rabbits in any home that has a tilt towards technology. The is a solution to that problem -most assuredly wife approved, removing cords and clutter from countertop, desk, or dresser. You don’t have to unplug the light to charge yourApple iPad ,iPhone, Android™ tablets and phones, tablet computers, cellphones, gaming systems (Nintendo, Sony PSP, etc.), Bluetooth headsets, digital cameras, or GPS devices which charge via standard USB plug.

Interview by Andy McCaskey of SDRNews for the TechPodcast Network.



Swingline Stack-and-Shred

Swingline Do you have that box of papers next to you or maybe across the room, you know the one. It’s the one full of papers you need to shred. You keep telling yourself you need to take care of it, but then somehow it never gets done. You tell yourself you are too busy or you have other things to do, but in reality you don’t do it because you hate having to feed the paper in one at a time.

Swingline to the rescue. Swingline has been making products for offices for over 80 years including shredder, stapler, punches, trimmers and sharpeners. Their latest products in the shredder line are hands free shredders called Stack-and-Shred. There are multiple lines and models both for home and office. These new shredders allow you to place a stack of papers into the shredder and then close the lid and the machine takes over from there. No more having to feed in one paper at a time. The home models are made to take 8×11 inch paper and have a separate feed for envelopes. Other models for business take larger size paper. There is an auto unjamming feature, so the machine will try to clear itself, before asking for help.

These personal shredders are currently available at Office Max, Office Depot and Staples and run between $150.00 to $250 depending on size and models. So now you have no more excuses for not getting those papers shredded.

Interview by Todd Cochrane of Geek News Central


Connect Wireless Speaker By Sharper Image

One thing Shaper Image  has always been known for is it’s ability to design in-home products that meet the consumer’s demands and needs. One of those demands is to enjoy music while relaxing in the kitchen, the bathroom, the porch, or the bedroom without giving up that valuable counter space.

Their latest Connect Wireless Speaker is no different. The Connect Wireless Speaker plugs directly in your AC outlet and provides quality audio production. The product allows you to listen to music via BlueTooth and also has a built-in microphone so that you don’t miss those important incoming calls. The speaker also includes a Lithium-Ion rechargeable battery with an estimated 3-4 hours life span.

Don of Sharper Image expects the product to hit shelves in May-June 2012 with a price tag of $49.99, available at major retailers and Sharper Image stores around the nation.

Interview by Steve Lee of Waves of Tech

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Maytag: Clean Oven in an Hour

Maytag Induction technology transfers energy directly into any magnetic cookware, for faster, more energy-efficient cooking. It is a special treat for moms, culinary enthusiasts, chefs and just about anybody who loves to cook with fast results in a safe and convenient cooking environment.

The cleanliness of electric cooking with the speed and control of gas. Plus, an exceptionally fast cleaning cycle keeps busy Moms happy !

Interview by Courtney Wallin of SDRNews for the TechPodcast Network.
