Tag Archives: luxury

Evutec Introduces Limited Edition Luxury Cases

evutecWood, wood veneer, and bullet resistant fiber are not the materials for the run-of-the-mill smartphone case. In fact, the idea of luxury cases made from high quality materials in limited production runs is the idea that Evutec brought to CES2013.  In addition to cases for Apple products, Evutec has models for HTC, Amazon, Samsung, Motorola, Blackberry and Google devices.

An established producer of luxury goods crafted from leather, bamboo, redwood and similar materials, Evutec also is quick to align with fashion trends in upscale markets, insuring that their products are sleek accessories to the latest styles in clothing, leather goods and premium business attire. TPN Interview by Andy McCaskey, SDRNews and Scott Ertz, F5 Live: Refreshing Technology .

