Monster DNA Headphones Get Customized with Chris Nunez from Ink Master

MonsterDnaSomething we like about the Monster DNA headphones, aside from the Pure Monster Sound of course, is the fact that they really do come in all different sizes and styles. The DNA On-Ear headphones have over 50 different color combinations, and sometimes, a style will be completely done by an artist.

In this case, it’s tattoo artist Chris Nunez, from the hit show Ink Master that created a unique design so popular, that it crashed the Monster website when it released. Chris attended CES this year to take in the show floor, meet his fans, and talk about Monster DNA headphones.

His passion for music is as equal as his passion for tattooing and the two have combined under the Monster brand. Whether you need something for the studio or on-the-go, the Monster DNAs are an excellent choice and are made for long periods of listening.

Interview by Nicholas DiMeo of F5 Live: Refreshing Technology for the Tech Podcast Network.

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