Gibson Enhances the Studio with Les Paul Monitors

GibsonUsaFor his 100th birthday, Gibson is celebrating with new products in the Les Paul product line. Adding to the existing guitars and new headphones comes a set of studio monitor speakers. Like the headphones, using the same wood as the guitars, these speakers are styled to match both the guitars and headphones perfectly.

At the base of the speaker is a lighted Gibson logo. That logo, a seemingly simple detail, serves as the power indicator. When on, the logo is lighted; when off, it pulses. These are the types of details that make Gibson a great, professional design brand.

The monitors come in 3 sizes: 4″, 6″ and 8″. This sizing describes the cones of the woofers, which are custom designed to create a perfect audio reference for a studio. You can get the speakers in cherry, cherry burst and tobacco burst. You can pick up your own set for %599, $799 or $999 righyt now.

Interview by Scott Ertz of F5 Live: Refreshing Technology for the Tech Podcast Network.

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