TPN Breaks Your Product Out!

For the past 7 years the TPN team has honed our skills to get the vendors we choose to interview some serious consumer exposure. Everyone promises you exposure but who really delivers.  This is our not so secret formula.

  1. Each Host has a per-established audience/website/following/reputation for providing honest and critical commentary of CES products.
  2. We cover the show in Vegas Live so those that want the info while the show is happening can do so.
  3. We post produce each and every interview following the show.
  4. Each show host publishes their own write ups on those interviews on their respective sites plus here at, etc.
  5. Each Interview has a professional written blog post with media embed that includes outbound links to properties and products.
  6. We distribute that content to over 140 consumer devices through our network and parent company RawVoice.
  7. We have dedicated CES Channels on Roku, Boxee, Samsung Smart TV, Google TV, iTunes, Zune MarketPlace etc..
  8. Interviewed Companies Link back to us or use the video embeds on their own sites.
  9. With over 1500 previous CES interviews and Websites with deep tech and consumer coverage depth Google does the rest!

The long tail takes over, we have interviews on products and services from shows 1-2 years ago that still get huge traffic. The long tail is where we win the battle and vendors get ongoing traffic from our coverage. Our Sponsors like GoDaddy and previous sponsors like Audible, Hitachi, Luxor, Citrix GotoMeeting benefit as well, as their ad spots are embedded in those interviews forever.

See you at the show and be on the lookout for the Tech Podcast Network floor teams as well in their Blue Polo Shirts and their camera crews!

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