Tag Archives: broadcast

Hauppauge Streams Video for Apple Devices

With the variety of video sources – over the air or cable or satellite throughout the home, you can still find it inconvenient to access the content you want in places like the back patio or garage workbench. An example ? Some needed weekend work in the garage,  that has to get done, while season playoffs are being broadcast. With the new sender from Hauppauge, you will be able to stream to iPhone or iPad, connecting your live TV stream – putting your live TV into either a wifi cloud in your home. The same box in a wired configuration can send content to your device anywhere in the world that has high speed internet connectivity.

Save 25% on 4GH Hosting 1yr Subscriptions Save 25% Promo Code CES2.

Free Mobile Digital TV with a USB Adapter – At Interstate Speeds

If you thought that the WinTV adapters from Hauppauge were only a convenience when traveling once your reached the hotel room, or a way to keep up with the game from a coffee shop where there aren’t TV’s tuned to a local station, you need to take a fresh look (as a passenger, of course) at Mobile Digital TV. In motion.

For less than $70, you can get a USB plug in adapter that converts your Windows laptop into a Digital TV that can receive broadcasts in a moving vehicle while in traffic, on a trip or on the open road.

Save 25% on 4GH Hosting 1yr Subscriptions Save 25% Promo Code CES2.