Category Archives: CES 2011

What Is BackChannel? Another Great Way to Watch TPN’s CES Coverage!

backchannel video
backchannel video

During the trip to Vegas and the Consumer Electronics Show, we not only record primary channel video, but also Backchannel video. This is simply video we record as we move from booth to booth. We also record backchannel of after-hour parties and more.

Backchannel video is taken from handheld cameras – Flip, Kodak, Sanyo – the pocket cameras you may have to record everyday moments. These cameras – some recording in HD themselves, give you an idea of what happens behind the scenes at the Consumer Electronics Show.

We will be not only creating video for you, but also streaming it on the Techpodcasts2 channel.

Sponsor Announcement: Luxor Las Vegas

The 2011 Tech Podcast Network team is proud to announce that Luxor Las Vegas is one of our official sponsors for the 2011 show.  The TPN team will be basing their CES operations out of the beautiful Luxor Casino and Hotel.

A number of our team members were able to take a tour of the hotel a  few weeks ago, and found the rooms to be fresh and accommodating.

The real action of course is in the casino and in and around the hotel with a very hip vibe in the clubs and restaurants. The team will be exploring everything Luxor Las Vegas has to offer when we hit Vegas on January 2nd in preparation for CES 2011.

We’re excited and the Luxor staff is excited to host the coolest bunch of tech guys and gals to hit Vegas for the show.  Check out the great rates and special offers that the hotel is offering to guest through the holidays, and consider bringing in the New Year at Luxor Las Vegas.

CES2011: My greatest tech experience yet?

CES: Follow the most exciting TECH event of the year!

This is no ordinary event.  In four days Las Vegas is visited by 130,000 people and over $500 million in annual sales is represented by the companies on site.

Most of all, this is a FUN event.  You will see us working our temporary studio in a booth on the upper level in the south hall like nothing you have ever seen.  We are outside our “comfort” zone, which means we have to work harder and be more innovative.  This is a true test and we do this because we LOVE what we do and we would LOVE it if you can join us!

Name: Esbjorn Larsen   (aka “The Swedish Guy”)


Interesting fact: I started out as the bicycling “tech support” for my friends after I spent a summer working for McDonald’s to afford my first computer, the amazing “Commodore Amiga 500”.  Yeah, those were the days.  I’ve been making technology easy for everyone ever since.

Expectations of CES 2011: I want to have FUN and bring you the best tech coverage ever!

Contact me by using voice mail @ 720-266 43 99.  You can also send an email to or fill out the contact form.

Intro: SDRNews and Andy McCaskey for CES2011

CES: What Makes TPN Coverage Different!

One of the things that I enjoy most about TPN coverage of CES is the fact that we operate outside of the traditional media coverage pattern. You won’t find us hanging out in the Press Room or waiting from some “big deal announcement” from the mega companies along with 250 other media types in some staged, celebrity endorsed “exclusive” event.

From the first year’s coverage, our objective has been to provide our viewers and listeners with as complete a picture of the CES experience as possible. We set out to peek into unauthorized corners. Just like any geekly minded attendee, the real fun is setting up a plan, and then throwing it out the window if something more interesting crosses our path.

We seldom take scheduled interviews in our product floor coverage. We spend a lot of time seeking out companies we have never heard of – the two people at a card table with the almost home-made sign is often the most interesting product and story.

Name: Andy McCaskey

Website , RVNN.TV,

Years as CES TPN talent: 6th

Favorite video from CES: Hitting the Wall . Regardless of the amount of dedication and desire, at a certain point in covering CES, every podcaster will hit the wall – a combination of stress, sleep deprivation, noise, physical exhaustion and generally ask why they are in Las Vegas.

Favorite moment from CES: Podtrac Bloghaus in the early years where the combination of killer bandwidth and great food helped make the 22 hour days a little more tolerable.

Interesting fact: My roots in technology run deep. My ham radio Elmer (Tom Eakle W4JG ),  a contemporary of Marconi, was first on the air in 1904.

Expectations of CES 2011: Looking for Internet Television and mobile devices of interest for active RV’ers.

Intro: Jeffrey Powers from Geekazine for Tech Podcast CES Coverage

Jeffrey Powers from Geekazine here. I hope you all are having a great holiday season. Our season is full of discovery and excitement as we unwrap the biggest gift the week after the new year.

Our CES coverage is the best gift not only to us, but also to all of you. We are planning a major event that includes the return to the NBC Universal stage for 2 – 1 hour shows.

The excitement is building. We hope to see and hear from you as we build up the CES 2011 action!

Name: Jeffrey Powers

Website: Geekazine, Day in Tech History

Years as CES TPN talent: 3rd year

Favorite video from CES: Vuzix from CES2009

Favorite moment from CES: Lenovo after party with Rob Blatt meeting Tom Merritt, Blackfeathers, Colleen from TWIT (now Google) and many other social media stars.

Interesting fact: Before Jeffrey leaves his hotel room, he places his business card on page 119 of the Bible. Why page 119? It’s actually his birth date.

Expectations of CES 2011: I believe we will see a lot of Application TV, as well as tablet computing.

TPN: The On-Air Team Grows Larger

More products, More Coverage from the Tech Podcast Network.  And more bloopers.

This is the sixth year of CES coverage by the Tech Podcast Network. And in addition to the live stream coverage that we will be providing from our booth on the show floor, viewers (and listeners!) will have some new personalities adding their perspective on the events.

More Personalities: Familiar faces Todd Cochrane of Geek News Central, Andy McCaskey of SDRNews, and Jeffrey Powers of Geekazine are joined by some new on-air personalities: Esbjorn Larsen of Mr. Netcast, Tom Newman of Fogview,and Karl Susman of Westside Gadget Guy.

Guaranteed Comedy: Nothing makes CES video coverage more interesting than doing it live for the entire show. You can be sure that the on-air interaction with guests, passers-by and the live audience at CES is going to have some interesting moments. As we mix it up, teaming seasoned TPN hosts with new guys, are going to make our fair share of on-air bloopers. And.. you heard it here first… I’ll bet that Todd, Jeffrey and Andy get caught more often than the new team.