Syntiant: Leading the way for deploying AI at the edge @ CES 2022

Syntiant Edge AIArtificial intelligence is all the rage these days, and for good reason. It has the potential to change the world in ways we can’t even imagine. However, there are a few challenges that need to be addressed before AI can reach its full potential. Syntiant is leading the way in addressing one of these challenges: deploying artificial intelligence at the edge.

What is Edge computing?

Simply put, edge computing is the deployment of computing resources at the periphery of a network. This can be done in a variety of ways, but the most common scenario is to place compute and storage closer to the devices that are generating or consuming data. This means that devices are not required to individually communicate with the outside world and can instead communicate with a local system. That system can then combine the data from all of the internal devices and push them to the outside world in a single packet.

Moving this type of processing from the cloud to the edge can help in a variety of ways, including increased responsiveness, decreased latency, reduced infrastructure costs, increased privacy and security, and lower bandwidth usage.

What are the benefits of Edge AI?

There are many benefits to deploying artificial intelligence at the edge, but some of the most important ones are increased battery life, decreased latency, and improved privacy and security.

One of the biggest benefits of edge AI is that it allows devices to use less power. Syntiant’s technology brings powerful machine learning from the cloud into even the tiniest devices, thereby greatly increasing battery life while reducing infrastructure costs.

In addition, by deploying AI at the edge, Syntiant is able to reduce latency by up to 100x. This is a huge boon for applications that require real-time responses, such as self-driving cars and industrial automation. By keeping data closer to the devices that generate it, Syntiant is able to improve privacy and security. This is because less data needs to be sent to the cloud, where it is more vulnerable to attack.

How does Syntiant help?

Syntiant’s breakthrough silicon architecture combined with an edge-optimized training pipeline and data platform are enabling edge AI deployments everywhere. Their technology brings powerful machine learning from the cloud into even the tiniest devices, thereby greatly increasing battery life, privacy and responsiveness, while simultaneously decreasing infrastructure costs.

The company has focused on making the technology as physically small as possible, this means that, not only can it be built into items such as temperature sensors, but can also be built into consumer products. Now you can build a pair of earbuds that have proper AI built into them, meaning they can accomplish a lot of processing on the device. Imagine being able to wear earbuds but still have access to Alexa, Google, or Siri skills without internet access while on a run.


If you’re looking to deploy artificial intelligence at the edge, Syntiant is the company to watch. They’re leading the way in making AI more efficient and secure, and we’re just getting started. To learn more about their technology and how it can help you build your next product, check out their website.

Interview by Todd Cochrane of Geek News Central.

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