iSet – The Connected Counter for Tennis

iSetWatchKeeping score and tracking stats is one of the least fun parts of playing a sport. If you’re not careful, arguments can break out (we’ve all been there, right?). Luckily, if you play tennis, iSet is the watch to solve that problem.

The watch can pair with another watch, allowing each competitor to track their score and sync up with the other player’s watch. If only one player has the watch, no problem, you can still control the counter yourself for both sides.

In addition to pairing with one another, you can also pair with a phone, allowing you to share your score live with the accompanying app. If you are not at the field, you can follow along remotely with the app on your own phone. Players can use the data to keep track of their stats, comparing scores against the same competitor, on certain dates, etc. Coming later this year, this is the watch for serious tennis enthusiasts.

Interview by Scott Ertz of F5 Live: Refreshing Technology for the Tech Podcast Network.

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