March 13, 2013: Zuckerberg Calls President Obama
March 13, 2025
2014 Mark Zuckerberg told the press he called President Barak Obama to bring his concerns to the table. The Facebook post talked about trust on the Internet, keeping it a shared space and how we sho
March 12, 1998: V-Chip Becomes Mandatory
March 12, 2025
1998 TheFCC announcedthey have come to a finalization on the video programming rating system and have fulfilled all requirements for the proposed V-Chip. Along with NAB, NCTA and MPAA, the chip
March 11, 2007: The Move of Daylight Savings Time
March 11, 2025
2007 The Energy Policy Act of 2005 ammended Daylight savings time 3 weeks . The theory was to move clocks forward 1 hour 3 weeks earlier than usual and Fall back in the first week of November (inste
March 10, 2002: Sony Clié Announced
March 10, 2025
2003The Sony Cli PEG-NR70 and PEG-NR70V handheld computers were released. These were 66 MHz PDA units running the Motorola Dragonball SuperVZ processor with a 16-bit color screen and runningPalm
March 9, 2008: The Zuckerberg, Lacy Incident
March 09, 2025
2008 SXSW Interactive keynote, Mark Zuckerberg was being interviewed by journalist Sarah Lacy. There was a lot of anticipation for the event, but things went south quickly (no pun intended). During
March 8, 2000: Apple Settles with Daewoo, eMachines over iMac Look
March 08, 2025
2000Apple concluded their iMac trade dress infringement against Daewoo and eMachines. The two companies made machines too similar to the iconic iMac look the eMachines eOne computer and the Daewo
March 7, 1996: Pluto Photos Released
March 07, 2025
1996 Even though Pluto was first seen in 1930, we didnt havethe ability to take a decent picture of the furthest planet er dwarf planet er (dang you Neil deGrasse Tyson!!!). The Hubble telesco
March 6, 1986: First Computer Sting Operation
March 06, 2025
EDITOR NOTE: I received documentation that shows this event actually happened on March 5th. This will be corrected on Wikazine.com and changed for next year. 1986 Fremont, California police set up
March 5, 1981: Timex Sinclair ZX81 launched
March 05, 2025
1981 The successor to the Sinclair ZX80, Britains most popular home computer the Sinclair ZX81 was launched by Sinclair Research a Timex Corporation. It was a popular computer mostly because of
March 4, 2000: Sony Playstation 2 Released
March 04, 2025
2000 The Playstation 2 was released in Japan to rival Segas Dreamcast system and Nintendo Game Cube. The Playstation 2 had an Emotion Engine processor at 294 MHz (later 299 MHz with 128 bit capab
March 3, 1972: Pioneer 10 Launches
March 03, 2025
1972 NASA launched the Pioneer 10 (a.k.a. Pioneer F) from Cape Canaveral, FL. This was the first spacecraft to traverse an astroid belt. The craft collected the environmental information around Jupi
March 2, 1995: Delphi Released
March 02, 2025
1995 Programming language Delphi was released by Borland. Delphi is an object oriented derivative of the Pascal programming language meant for Windos and Mac OS in 32-bit and 64-bit. It was the succ
March 1, 1990: The Raid of Steve Jackson Games
March 01, 2025
1990 The secret service and Austin TX police raided Steve Jackson Games, along with the home of Loyd Blankenship, writer of GURPS Cyberpunk. Four computers, two laser printers and all of the compani
February 28, 1966: Right to Privacy
February 28, 2025
February 28, 1966: FCC creates Right to Privacy[/caption] During non-leap years, this Day in Tech History episode will be for the 28th and 29th. 1966 (Feb 28) With all these ways to listen in on a c
February 27, 1998: Apple Discontinued Newton
February 27, 2025
February 27, 1998: Apple Newton is discontinued[/caption] 1998 After Steve Jobs takes the role of Acting CEO (After the firing of Gil Amelio) he decides to trim some of the product fat. In result, t
February 26, 1991: Introduction of first Web Broswer – WorldWideWeb
February 26, 2025
February 26, 1991: Sir Tim Berners Lee Shows the WorldWideWeb via Browser[/caption] 1991 Sir Tim Berners-Lee showed everyone the first web browser and WYSIWYG (What You See Is What You Get) HTML edi
February 25, 2002: Gigabyte, Female Hacker of Sharpei, C#
February 25, 2025
February 25, 1999 hacker Gigabyte hacks C# language[/caption] 1999 Microsofts newest programming language at the time C# (pronounced C-Sharp) was hacked on this day. The perpetrator was a sev
February 24, 1997: Pixar, Disney, 5 Year Movie Agreement
February 24, 2025
February 24, 1997 Disney and Pixar 5 movie agreement[/caption] 1997 Walt Disney and Pixar enter into a 5 movie agreement in 10 months. They would share costs, profit and logo credits. The two woul
February 23, 1896: Tootsie Roll Introduced
February 23, 2025
February 23, 1896 Tootsie Roll is introduced in US[/caption] 1896 A little Geeky knowledge for ya The Tootsie roll is introduced. AustrianimmigrantLeo Hishfield took the idea to a New York sto
February 22, 1999: AMD K6-III Sharptooth Processor
February 22, 2025
February 22, 1999 AMD released K6-III[/caption] 1999 AMD releases the AMD K6-III Processor in speeds of 400 and 450 MHz. It would feature a 64KB Level 1 cache and a 256KB Level 2 cache. The 3DNow!
February 21, 2001: iMac Special Edition
February 21, 2025
Feb 21, 2001 Apple released iMac Special Edition[/caption] 2001 At Macworld Expo in Tokyo, Japan,AppleComputer introduced the iMac Special Edition. It would be available in Flower Power, Dalmati
February 20, 1986: Launch of Mir Space Station
February 20, 2025
1986 The first piece of the Mir Space Station is launched. With 6 docking ports and labs for research, the Space Station was expected to push us into the stars. The term Mir is Russian for Peace
February 19, 1990: Adobe Photoshop 1.0 Released
February 19, 2025
1990 Thomas Knoll was a student at the University of Michigan when he decided to write a program for his Macintosh Plus. The program was a simple image viewer, but when his brother John Knoll ca
February 18, 1979: Sahara Desert Gets Snow
February 18, 2025
1979 for the first and only time in recorded history, it snowed in the Sahara Desert. It was in Southern Algeria and the storm only lasted a half hour. The snow melted off quickly. Corel ships WordP
February 17, 2000: Microsoft Windows 2000 Released
February 17, 2025
February 17, 2000: Microsoft released Windows 2000[/caption] 2000 Microsoft released the next version of the Windows Operating system in Windows 2000. Also known at Windows NT 5.0, it was thebegin
February 16, 1978: First Bulletin Board System (aka CBBS)
February 16, 2025
1978 The first computer bulletin board system was created in Chicago, Illinois by Ward Christensen and Randy Suess. The Computerized Bulletin Board System (CBBS) came together in 30 days, where it w
February 15, 1946: ENIAC Debuts at University of Pennsylvania
February 15, 2025
1946 J. Presper Eckert and John Mauchly debut the Electronic NumericalIntegratorand Computer (ENIAC). 17,468 vacuum tubes at 100,000 pulses/second. It was part of a $400,000 contract from the U.S.
February 14, 2005: YouTube is Founded
February 14, 2025
HappyValentines Day! 2005 YouTube, the popular video sharing website, is established by Chad Hurley, Steve Chen and Jawed Karim. The website was registered on February 14th, and didnt officially l
February 13, 1996: Jugi Tandon Storage (JTS) Merged with Atari
February 13, 2025
February 13, 1996: JTS merges with Atari[/caption] 1996 Atari Corporation announces the merger with Jugi Tandon Storage (JTS). Atari extended a bridge loan of $25 Million so JTS can still build driv
February 12, 2001: Anna Kournikova Virus Hits Internet
February 12, 2025
2001 Jan de Wit a.k.a. OnTheFly sends out an email stating that it is a picture of the famous tennis player. Of course it turned out to be a a Worm that takes down tens of thousands of computers.
February 11, 2012: Apple Tries to Ban Samsung, JOSS Taken Down
February 11, 2025
2012 Apple began the lawsuits in the US of Samsung made Galaxy Nexus citing patent violations back in April 15, 2011. This would span across the Nexus S, Epic 4G, Galaxy S 4G and Galaxy Tab. A lawsu
February 10, 1992: “Linux is Obsolete” Thread Ends
February 10, 2025
1992 Comp.os.minix was the location for famous thread Linux is Dead. 73 Posts went back and forthe before Bill Mitchell closes it. Andy Tanenbaum (MINIX) started the thread and Linus Torvolds sho
February 9, 1977: Atari – My First Computer Keyboard
February 09, 2025
1977 The My First Computer was an add-on to the Atari 2600. This device would turn the game console into a full computer. For $90 you could get 8K of RAM (expandable to 32K), 16K ROM and 8K BASIC.
February 8, 1996: 24 Hours in Cyberspace Book
February 08, 2025
1996 It was the single largest online event at the time. 24 Hours in cyberspace was coordinated by Rick Smolan to capture photos representing a day in the life of the internet user. Photos would be
February 7, 2000: Mafiaboy DDos on Yahoo, 6 Other Web Sites
February 07, 2025
2000 10:15 AM, Mafiaboy Michael Demon Calce, a 16 year old hacker from Canada targets 7 sites with a Distributed Denial of Service attack (DDoS). Amazon, Buy.com, CNN, eBay, E*E*Trade, MSN and Z
February 6, 1971: Alan Shepard Golfs on Moon, 1985: Steve Wozniak Leaves Apple
February 06, 2025
1971 Moving to the Space side of Geek, Apollo 14 astronaut Alan Shepard hits the first golf ball on the Moon. He used a six-iron attached to a sample collection tool. He hit 2 balls, in which the se
February 5, 1999: First Major Webcast in Victoria’s Secret
February 05, 2025
1999 Victorias Secret holds their annual fashion show after dealing with the networks for the last 10 years. The event attracts attention 1.5 million visitors to be exact in 90 countries. The com
February 4, 1997: Apple Acquired NeXT
February 04, 2025
1997 Apple Computer makes the acquisition of NeXT for $427 million. The OpenStep OS will be the base of Mac OS X. Steve Wozniak returns to Apple as an executivecommitteemember. Gil Amelio with S
February 3, 2009: RAMBUS Patent infringement Postponed Indefinitely
February 03, 2025
2009 Judge Ronald M. Whyte of the U.S. District Court for the Northern District of California issued an order indefinitely postponingthe coordinated patent-infringement cases filed by RAMBUS agains
February 2, 1998: AOL Takes Over Compuserve, 1964: G.I.Joe Released
February 02, 2025
1998 In the 90s, AOL and Compuserve were battling out for top dog in the ISP market. However, AOL showed a lot more game back then as Compuserve ultimately faltered when its main investor H&R Bl
February 1, 2008: Microsoft Bids Yahoo, 2012: Facebook Files IPO
February 01, 2025
2008 Microsoft officially made a move to put a bid in for Yahoo! They announced a plan of $31 a share, which was 62 percent of premium common stock from Yahoo! This was not the first time Microsoft
January 31, 1984: Apple Reorganizes
January 31, 2025
1984 Apple announced they would split up the Cupertino based company into three divisions Apple II (handling all Apple III computers as well), the Apple 32 division (Lisa, and new Macintosh line o
January 30, 2004: Gateway Acquires eMachines
January 30, 2025
Gateway computer makes a bold move and purchases rival eMachines for 50 million shares of Gateway common stock and $30 million in cash. eMachines was a company founded by Lap Shun Hui along with South Korean companies Korea Data Systems, and TriGem.
January 29, 2014: Google Sells Motorola Mobility
January 29, 2025
Google owned Motorola Mobility for only 2 years before deciding to sell it off. They chose to sell to Lenovo for $2.91 billion. A major change in the $12.5 billion acquisition they made in 2011. But of course that was after Google striped the company d...
January 28, 1984: Tim McVey Day
January 28, 2025
1984 One billion points on one quarter. That was the reason for Tim McVey Day. At the Twin Galaxies arcade back on January 17th, Tim scored 1,000,042,270 points on one quarter to the game Nibbler
January 27, 2006: Western Union discontinued Telegram and Commercial Messaging services
January 27, 2025
2006 Founded in 1851, Western Union was responsible for getting the important messages from point A to B. Whether through telegram or commercial messaging, Western Union was synonymous with the servi
January 26, 2006: Grand Theft Auto Lawsuit: Hot Coffee
January 26, 2025
2006 Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas was a game that changed perception of the industry. The grit and cruelty of the GTA franchise has not only brought controversy, its also brought the fans. One bit
January 25, 1881: The Oriental Telephone Company
January 25, 2025
1881 Alexander Graham Bell and Thomas Edison establish theOriental Telephone Company of New York and the Angle-Indian Telephone Company Ltd. These companies were licensed to sell telephones in oth
January 24, 1948: IBM Dedicated Poppa in New York City
January 24, 2025
1948 At IBM world headquarters, IBM dedicated the Selective Sequence Electronic Calculator (SSEC). The machine otherwise known as Poppa was the first computer to combine electronic computation w
January 23, 1896: The First Public X-Rays
January 23, 2025
1896 Although he was not the only person to be working on the technology and not the first X-ray,Wilhelm Roentgen gave the first public lecture and demonstration of his device. He photographed Dr.