There's always DevOps in the Banana Stand
By Matt Stratton, Trevor Hess, Jessica Kerr, and Bridget Kromhout
Open Communities With Andrew Zigler
February 01, 2024
Matty’s blog post about SharePoint (including broken images!) Community Pulse podcast
Machine Learning Ops With Chelsea Troy
January 18, 2024
Read more of Chelsea Troy’s writing here!
It's Been Ten Years of ADO, Charlie Brown
January 04, 2024
Every ADO Cold Open Ever “Episode 0” of ADO “Old Geeks Yell At Cloud” video
So You’re in Charge Now… With Ben Greenberg
December 22, 2023
The First 90 Days “It’s not a promotion - it’s a career change” (Lindsay Holmwood) “Not All Leaders Are Managers” - (Aaron Bassett)
DevOps Isn’t a Department With Jeremy Duvall
December 07, 2023
John Willis’s talk at DevOpsDays Atlanta 2016 on Burnout https://platformengineering.org/talks-library/internal-platform-enterprise-courtney-kissler ADO - How to Eff Up Devops with Pete Cheslock, Nathen Harvey, and Randi Harper
Runtime Analysis With Brian Kelly
November 23, 2023
OWASP Top 10 Stripe: The developer coefficient (quantifies the cost of bad code to companies to be $59B annually) Facebook: FAUSTA: Scaling Dynamic Analysis with Traffic Generation (how runtime analysis was used at WhatsApp to catch design flaws before they reached production) Dragan Stepanović - Async code reviews are choking your company’s throughput (from LAS 2022, a talk which highlights the systemic problems with developers trying to do manual code reviews of large PRs) AppMap, the runtime analysis company which Brian works for Cloud Native Security with Michael Isbitski ADO Episode
Complexity With Michael Stahnke
November 09, 2023
It's a complex world! Matty and Michael Stahnke wax philosophical about whether our systems need to be as complicated as we have made them
The Database Calls Are Coming From Inside the House With Grant Fritchey
October 26, 2023
Arrested DevOps - The Database: The Elephant in the Room Arrested DevOps - Data! Data! Data! With Francesco Tisiot Arrested DevOps - The New DevOps With Adam Jacob History of databases talk from Matty and Kat Cosgrove
Platform Engineering Goes to Flavortown With Matt Kurtiz
October 05, 2023
Arrested DevOps - DevOps With Better Marketing with Pete Cheslock Arrested DevOps - Platform Engineering with Daniel Bryant Arrested DevOps - Platforms with Kelsey Hightower and Andrew Clay Shafer Lean Enterprise The Future of Ops Is Platform Engineering Charity’s talk from devopsdays NYC Jess Kerr’s blog that Matt mentioned Cargo Cult Science
What's Up With Open Terraform?
September 21, 2023
https://www.instagram.com/ziggy.odoodle/?hl=en https://twitter.com/opentofuorg https://github.com/opentofu https://linkedin.com/company/opentofuorg https://github.com/opentofu/opentofu
DevOps World is back for 2023, and you won’t want to miss out on this one-of-a-kind event! This year’s program is packed with exclusive insights, immersive workshops, and unparalleled networking opportunities taking place across multiple cities in the US, UK, and Asia. Elevate your DevOps game and register using the following links: NYC area, Chicago, Silicon Valley, Singapore, and London.
The New DevOps With Adam Jacob
September 07, 2023
Links to Resources Mentioned 10+ Deploys Per Day: Dev and Ops Cooperation at Flickr *The DevOps Handbook The System Initiative Switch: How to Change Things When Change Is Hard
DevOps World is back for 2023, and you won’t want to miss out on this one-of-a-kind event! This year’s program is packed with exclusive insights, immersive workshops, and unparalleled networking opportunities taking place across multiple cities in the US, UK, and Asia. Elevate your DevOps game and register using the following links: NYC area, Chicago, Silicon Valley, Singapore, and London.
Purposeful Personal Brand With Cassandra Faris
August 24, 2023
The Importance of Your Personal Brand
Whether you’re working for a startup or a corporate giant like Visa, Target, or JP Morgan Chase, your personal brand helps to define your professional identity. This brand is not just about showcasing your GitHub contributions, but about telling your unique story. It’s about how you solved a particular problem or contributed to a project, not just about the technologies you used.
Building Your Brand StoryBuilding your personal brand starts with self-reflection. Here are three questions to ask yourself:
Who are you professionally? Identify your top three technical specialties, professional specialties, and team contributions.
Who are you personally? Identify three interests and hobbies, your most important beliefs and values, and aspects of your social, family, or community life that you want to connect with people over.
How do you connect with people? Identify shared interests, the advice or information you’re seeking, and what you want to know about other people.
Answering these questions gives you a wealth of material to draw from when telling your story and helps you identify your strengths and areas of expertise.
Show, Don’t TellWhen you’re creating your brand content, remember the old adage: show, don’t tell. Instead of proclaiming yourself a “thought leader,” demonstrate your expertise through your work. Share your accomplishments in a way that highlights how your work benefited others, not just yourself. This approach makes your story more engaging and relatable.
Embrace VulnerabilityBeing open about what you don’t know can be a powerful part of your personal brand. It shows that you’re a lifelong learner, open to new ideas and willing to grow. Plus, asking for help or resources can lead to valuable connections and insights.
Pay It ForwardSharing your knowledge and helping others is a powerful way to build your personal brand in tech. It demonstrates your expertise and your willingness to support your peers. This approach is not about trading favors but about creating a positive ripple effect in your community.
In conclusion, building a personal brand in tech is about more than just showcasing your skills. It’s about telling your story, connecting with others, and contributing to your community. By being authentic, open, and generous, you can create a personal brand that truly stands out.
Links to Resources Mentioned Keep a Brag Book KubeCampus: Free Kubernetes Training Purposeful Personal Branding - Nov 2018 Slides 13-15 have the 3 questions DevOps World is back for 2023, and you won’t want to miss out on this one-of-a-kind event! This year’s program is packed with exclusive insights, immersive workshops, and unparalleled networking opportunities taking place across multiple cities in the US, UK, and Asia. Elevate your DevOps game and register using the following links: NYC area, Chicago, Silicon Valley, Singapore, and London.Everything's a Product With Sarah Morgan
August 10, 2023
“Everything is a Product” - Matty’s talk “More Buzzwords Won’t Help” - Andrew Clay Shafer Telemetry Hub channel on YouTube DevOps World is back for 2023, and you won’t want to miss out on this one-of-a-kind event! This year’s program is packed with exclusive insights, immersive workshops, and unparalleled networking opportunities taking place across multiple cities in the US, UK, and Asia. Elevate your DevOps game and register using the following links: NYC area, Chicago, Silicon Valley, Singapore, and London.
Cloud Native Security With Michael Isbitski
July 27, 2023
Sysdig 2023 Cloud-Native Security and Usage Report Pushing Left With Tanya Janca (ADO epsiode) Shifting Left Securely (Matt’s talk) DevOps World is back for 2023, and you won’t want to miss out on this one-of-a-kind event! This year’s program is packed with exclusive insights, immersive workshops, and unparalleled networking opportunities taking place across multiple cities in the US, UK, and Asia. Elevate your DevOps game and register using the following links: NYC area, Chicago, Silicon Valley, Singapore, and London.
DevOps With Better Marketing With Pete Cheslock
June 29, 2023
Pete’s Video Project Pete’s TikTok Want to join a future version of Pete’s videos? Platform Engineering With Daniel Bryant (ADO Episode)
It's Rough Out There With Sidney Miller
June 15, 2023
Sonia Gupta and Corey Quinn - Embarrassingly Large Numbers: Salary Negotiation for Human Talking pay in the public square
Data! Data! Data! With Francesco Tisiot
June 01, 2023
Kafka Connect tool Metadata parser Francesco’s SOFT blog post
Data! Data! Data! With Francesco Tisiot
June 01, 2023
Kafka Connect tool Metadata parser Francesco’s SOFT blog post
Platform Engineering With Daniel Bryant
May 18, 2023
ADO Episode - Platforms with Kelsey Hightower and Andrew Clay Shafer Daniel’s Kubecon talk Daniel’s blog/tweet thread the kicked off his interest in Platform Eng Spotify golden paths Crossing the Chasm - Technology Adoption Lifecycle Backstage project Backstage as a service
Platform Engineering With Daniel Bryant
May 18, 2023
ADO Episode - Platforms with Kelsey Hightower and Andrew Clay Shafer Daniel’s Kubecon talk Daniel’s blog/tweet thread the kicked off his interest in Platform Eng Spotify golden paths Crossing the Chasm - Technology Adoption Lifecycle Backstage project Backstage as a service
Into the VOID Report With Casey Rosenthal and Courtney Nash
April 13, 2023
VOID The Verica Open Incident Database (VOID) makes public software-related incident reports available to everyone, increasing understanding of software-based failures in order to make the internet a more resilient and safe place. After scrutinizing nearly 10,000 incidents, one thing is crystal clear: Resilience saves time. Taking the time to understand how to better respond when something green turns red—learning from the people, the processes, and the systems—will make your next incident smoother. 2022 VOID Report “Taylorism is a corporate disease that we haven’t developed a vaccine for yet” - Courtney
Into the VOID Report With Casey Rosenthal and Courtney Nash
April 13, 2023
VOID The Verica Open Incident Database (VOID) makes public software-related incident reports available to everyone, increasing understanding of software-based failures in order to make the internet a more resilient and safe place. After scrutinizing nearly 10,000 incidents, one thing is crystal clear: Resilience saves time. Taking the time to understand how to better respond when something green turns red—learning from the people, the processes, and the systems—will make your next incident smoother. 2022 VOID Report “Taylorism is a corporate disease that we haven’t developed a vaccine for yet” - Courtney
Continuous Feedback With Roni Dover
July 28, 2022
Jess and Roni talk about what continous feedback: where it came from, what it looks like in the context of a dev proces, and the benefits it can bring to engineers and developers. They also discuss Roni’s observability project, Digma.ai… and his other passion, complicated board games.
Continuous Feedback With Roni Dover
July 28, 2022
Jess and Roni talk about what continous feedback: where it came from, what it looks like in the context of a dev proces, and the benefits it can bring to engineers and developers. They also discuss Roni’s observability project, Digma.ai… and his other passion, complicated board games.
Engineers Are People With Dagna Bieda
March 21, 2022
linkedin.com/in/dagnabieda www.themindfuldev.com How Dagna works with her clients https://www.arresteddevops.com/principal-engineer/
Engineers Are People With Dagna Bieda
March 21, 2022
We Have More Work to Do With Tim Banks
March 02, 2022
Breaking Down Gates with Tim Banks (previous episode with Tim)
We Have More Work to Do With Tim Banks
March 02, 2022
Why Are We Still Talking About DevOps and Security
February 16, 2022
You know how so many devops folks are like “lol let me tell you about this time I accidentally took down production”? I would *love* to get to that level of blamelessness and shame-free acceptance with phishing, security misconfigurations, and other such mishaps.
— Kat Sweet (@TheSweetKat) October 25, 2021If you're in infosec, what are you 5 top priorities for your team right now?
— MattGPT (@mattstratton) October 26, 2021Why Are We Still Talking About DevOps and Security
February 16, 2022
2021 Year-End Wrap-Up
December 31, 2021
Favorite Episodes Drawing DevOps with Ashton Rodenhiser Multicluster Service Mesh With Phillip Gibson and Annie Wang Brigade With Kent Rancourt Most Popular Episodes Most listened-to episode in 2021 was All Things Docker Second most listened-to episode in 2021 was Foundational Practices With Johan Abildskov Number three was Doing Releases Right With Scott Hain Pet photos! Moxie Nimoy and Ripley
Technical Agile Coaching With Emily Bache
November 22, 2021
Emily’s book ProAgile Emily’s blog Emily’s github
Approval testing tools mentioned
https://approvaltests.com/ https://github.com/texttest/texttestThe Reality of DevSecOps With Steve Giguere
October 22, 2021
Matty’s dog on Twitter Shifting Left Securely (Matty’s talk at devopsdays denver 2017) Steve’s “Collaboration over competition” talk Trivy Checkov from bridgecrew Cosecast Pushing left with Tanya Janca (ADO episode) Cosecast with Tanya Janca We Hack Purple Security Chaos Engineering With Aaron Rinehart (ADO epsiode)
Brigade With Kent Rancourt
September 16, 2021
Bridget chats with Kent Rancourt about Brigade.
Words Are Hard With Emily Freeman
September 08, 2021
Emily Freeman, Principal, DevOps Solutions at AWS and Matt have a frank conversation about how DevOps has changed, where it's going, and the merits of the Oxford comma.
Multicluster Service Mesh With Phillip Gibson and Annie Wang
August 04, 2021
Bridget chats with Phillip Gibson and Annie Wang about multicluster service mesh.
Foundational Practices With Johan Abildskov
June 15, 2021
"If you invest enough into foundational practices you can ignore them" - this is a heady statement, and special guest Johan Abildskov takes us through a journey to explore what our foundationa
Drawing DevOps With Ashton Rodenhiser
May 06, 2021
Matt is joined by Ashton Rodenhiser, who has become a fixture at many conferences where she provides graphic recordings of various talks and presentations!
The Edge of Now With Cat Swetel
April 21, 2021
In this episode, Jess talks with guest Cat Swetel about her career, writings, and thoughts on DevOps.
Seasons of Community With Katy Farmer
March 31, 2021
Does tech ask more from its community than other industries? What does it mean to be part of a community and what is expected of us?
All Things Docker
March 13, 2021
Bridget chats with Justin Cormack and Donnie Berkholz of Docker.
Learning to Learn and Learning to Teach With Shelby Spees
February 08, 2021
Learning, as well as teaching, are both skills. Skills that we can develop with intentionality and practice. Shelby Spees, a Developer Advocate at Honeycomb, shares her insight into this topic.
The Six Plots of Tech Twitter
January 25, 2021
Sources differ on where this started, but Kurt Vonnegut posited that there are basically six story types. Matt wondered if there was similarly only six stories that are told on tech Twitter. Guests Sasha Rosenbaum, Kat Cosgrove, Quintessence...
Doing Releases Right With Scott Hain
January 05, 2021
Releasing software is more that just having a clever pipeline. Scott Hain (Hashicorp) digs into some of the practical considerations of improving your release engineering process.
2020 Year-End Wrap-Up
December 18, 2020
It's that time of year again! Matty, Trevor, Bridget, Jessica, Jeff, and Joe wrap up the year with a discussion of favorite episodes, the Year That Was, and a deep dive into 90s-era sci-fi.
Breaking Down Gates With Tim Banks
November 17, 2020
Tim Banks joins Matt for a blunt discussion about how to break down gates and barriers in tech. Also, chili is discussed, in depth.
Devopsdays Chicago 2020
November 09, 2020
DevOpsDays Chicago 2020 was the first time the long-running conference went virtual. A panel of speakers and organizers discuss the event, how it was produced, and what the experience was like!
Tea and Anarchy With Alice Goldfuss and Ian Coldwater
October 22, 2020
Bridget chats with Alice Goldfuss and Ian Coldwater.