USB Cloud Distribution for Media

Re-Direct Service Installs from USB Key

CLoud Example

This service might offer a digital content producer a more effective way to keep content fresh for subscribers without the overhead of e-commerce, shopping carts or elaborate back end system , yet maintain and extend the relationship for follow on order. It is a great way to keep your production and inventory costs under control.

USB-Cloud is a plug in key that maps the physical device – sold or given to a subscriber. When  it is plugged into a Windows or Mac computer’s USB port, it will automatically connect to a cloud based digial asset whenever. Each customer can be connected to a common content distribution point, or to a distribution point that has been created only for the person that has that one key ID.

There is no log-in, username, password, or similar requirement. Physical possession of the key is all that is required to access the asset. It is fully automatic on Windows machines. Mac OSX requires a one time driver download.


TPN Interview by Andy McCaskey of