Hatch Baby is Changing the Face of New Parenthood

voWe9otw_400x400New parents face a lot of joy – and also some anxiety. Hatch Baby is creating a series of smart nursery products for new parents. They are trying to take away the anxiety and bring back the joy of new parenthood. Their first product is intended to give reassurance to new parents.

Don spoke with CEO of Hatch Baby, Ann Crady Weiss at CES 2016. Hatch Baby’s first product is called the Smart Changing Pad. It is a redesign of the traditional changing pad that is found in every nursery. It has a Wi-Fi scale built in so a parent can know that their baby is growing as she should be and that their baby is getting enough nutrition. It is a way to check on weight when you are not at the doctor’s office.

The Smart Changing Pad is easy to use. Place the baby on it and take a weight reading (by pressing a button). The Smart Changing Pad is as accurate as scales in most pediatrician’s offices. The data about the baby’s weight will be sent to the cloud and then sent to the Hatch Baby app on your phone.

The Smart Changing Pad can also tell a parent how much a baby drank. Weigh the baby, then feed the baby, then weigh the baby again. The difference in the two weight readings shows you exactly how much the baby drank.

The Smart Changing Pad is so popular that Hatch Baby’s current shipment sold out due to overwhelming demand. They will ship more again in March of 2016. The Hatch Baby app is free for anyone to use. The Smart Changing Pad is priced at $299.

Don Baine is the Gadget Professor and he holds classes at TheGadgetProfessor.com.

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