GXC makes virtual learning feel more like being in person @ CES 2021

GXC educational platformOne of the accidental and unplanned themes of 2020 was definitely remote learning. Whether it be schools trying to virtualize their lessons or corporate conferences trying to maintain their engagement, the struggle has been intense. Tools like Microsoft Teams have worked, but they’re far from perfect because education is not what they were designed for. Fortunately, both schools and corporations now have GXC to improve the experience.

Because the GXC Education Platform is designed specifically for education, it’s able to bring back some of the capabilities teachers and students miss from being together, without the chaos of meeting platforms. Obviously, the system is video-focused, but also maintains a lot of the written aspects of traditional learning. For example, during a class, the system has the ability to write, organize, and share notes about the lesson – specifically related to that lesson. The notes are timestamped to the video, so you can get back to the point in the video where you created it. There is also class-specific messaging, which allows the students to communicate with one another without disturbing the class itself.

For international students, there are a number of language features. The first is a dual view subtitle option. It shows the video on the top of the screen, with timestamped, searchable transcription on the bottom. Those transcriptions can be viewed in the natural language of the video or translated into other languages. The translations can be done by professional translators or can be done automatically using the system’s neural network machine learning system. The AI translations can be done live, in near real-time.

The GXC Education Platform is available to educational institutions or corporations. Core features can be had for about $2 per student per year, with additional capabilities being available. To learn more about the platform or to request a demo, check out the company’s website.

Interview by Christopher Jordan of The Talking Sound.

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