ZED Stereo Camera Captures the World in 3D

Stereolabs logoStereolabs is the leading provider of 3D depth sensing technology for autonomous robotic and augmented reality. Their ZED 2K Stereo Camera is the first high definition stereo sensor for depth perception. It helps you to capture the world in 3D.

Nick spoke with Stereolabs Product Manager, Marc Beudet, at CES 2016. They talked about the Stereolabs ZED 2k Stereo Camera. Marc explained what is unique about it, how it works, and some of the ways it can be used.

The ZED 2K Stereo Camera relies on two RGB sensors. It is basically two smartphone cameras put together. There’s no infrared projectors or other fancy stuff. The camera captures the world. Next, that information is sent to a computer that uses processing power to generate a 3D image of the environment. The ZED 2K Stereo Camera can work in outdoor environments as well as indoor environments.

It is basically plug-and-play. Download the SDK from the Stereolabs website. The product is meant for developers. They will need an external host computer. The camera can be placed on a drone. The only limitation on the things that can be done with the ZED 2K Stereo camera is the developers imagination.

The ZED 2K Stereo Camera is priced at $449 and is available through the Stereolabs website.

Nick DiMeo is an audio engineer and show host at F5 Live: Refreshing Technology.

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